VanDyk Mortgage News: March 7, 2023

March 7, 2023

Sales Fly-In Recap
Sales Fly-In is over, but the memories will last a lifetime.  And the glitter probably will too.  It got in EVERYTHING!  But the sparkle in the eyes of our sales team after hearing from our panelists, hugging their co-workers, celebrating each other’s successes, and learning from one another will last even longer.  A brief overview of some main points is below.  Look forward to more information soon~

REMINDER – What is available in-house?

    • NonQM – Bank Statement
    • NonQM – DSCR
    • NonQM – Non-Warrantable Condos
    • Jumbo Loans up to $2 million
  • Total Expert: We have an exciting update to share with you regarding our office hours schedule. Starting next week, we will be moving Total Expert office hours to 2:30 pm EST. This is an excellent opportunity for you to get your questions answered or learn more about how your peers are utilizing the tool. Keep an eye on your inbox for more information, including a calendar invitation later this week.
    • Check out our brand new  Broker Comparison Tool to review the programs available and who provides them. We’re working on finding a home for this link at – but until then, feel free to use this link to access the tool.
  • SimpleNexus
    • As a reminder, LOs can find the link to share the SimpleNexus app with agents/realtors under Contacts > Partners. We have marketing material available for an agent Lunch & Learn – reach out to Production Support for a copy, we’re happy to pass along!
  • Introducing: David Freas
    Those of you who attended the Sales Fly-in had the opportunity to meet our new National Underwriting Manager, David Freas!  David started with VanDyk Mortgage in February and has been learning all things VanDyk behind the scenes for the last month to best support and serve the team.

In his capacity as National Underwriting Manager, David will use his many years of experience in management, underwriting and problem solving to direct the daily needs of the Underwriting Department, which will include maintaining company service standards, loan quality, productivity, knowledge, training, growth and motivation. David will work closely with Lindsey, Conan, and other management to provide recommendations on escalations/exceptions, process and system improvements, as well as continuing the open line of communication between Sales and Underwriting.

  • Introducing your Production Support Processing Manager: Mary Spirou

For those who have been with VanDyk for more than a few years, Mary Spirou’s may be a name you know well, and we are happy to announce she will be taking on the new role of Production Support Processing Manager, responsible for the oversight of loans processed under the corporate umbrella and focusing efforts for improving quality of all processing companywide.  We are excited to see her thrive in this new role.  Processors can look forward to hearing from her and more details will be coming soon.  Congratulations Mary!

  • #VanDykDifference – Celebrate the Wins!
    This company is AMAZING!!!  Pretty sure we were among the first (maybe THE FIRST) lenders to implement, allow and CLOSE FHA loans with the new lower MIP amounts.  OH YEAH!  A BIG SPECIAL INCREDIBLE KUDOS and THANK YOU to Lindsey Kuhnle, Ryan VanDyk and Brad Chatel for the lightning-fast inter-department company-wide coordination of efforts to provide unparalleled service to our customers!  #WINNING
  • Encompass Updates: Borrower Summary – VDMC + SCIF Disclosure
    The Encompass form Borrower Summary – 2021 will be replaced with Borrower Summary – VDMC the morning of Friday, February 24. The changes are detailed in the attached PDF. If you missed our training, check out the recording here.

In addition, the URLA has been updated to include the Language Preference field on URLA Part 1, and the Homeownership Education & Housing Counseling fields on URLA – Lender. These fields populate the Supplemental Consumer Information Form (SCIF), which will be included with disclosures starting on March 1, 2023. SimpleNexus will capture the response to these questions on the online application – any 1003 started in Encompass will need to have these questions completed manually.  A copy of SCIF form is attached.

  • In-House DSCR: Submission Standards
    Attached you’ll find a Minimum Standards worksheet for in-house Bayview DSCR submission.  We have been receiving file submissions without the “Business Purpose and Non-Owner Occupancy Affidavit” (attached), which is required to be signed & notarized at the time of submission. Please confirm any Bayview DSCR submissions include this completed form.
  • Employee Referrals – Reminder
    We have a company employee referral bonus policy:
    If a VanDyk employee refers an applicant to a position within the Company then the VanDyk employee will receive a bonus of $100 per referral on the following pay period if the below requirements and guidelines are met and followed:

    • New hire specifically names the VanDyk employee (first and last name) in their online application
    • VanDyk employee completes the Employment Referral form (available on and submits it to the Human Resources Department ( before the applicant’s start date
    • New hire stays employed with VanDyk Mortgage for a minimum of 60 days; and
    • New hire does not have any documented disciplinary issues within the first 60 days of employment.
  • Chenoa Updates
    Chenoa Fund has made updates to their Program Guidelines effective as of February 23, 2023.  With these updates, effective as of March 1, 2023, the mortgagee clause has been updated as follows:

CBC Mortgage Agency

C/O DocProbe

1133 Ocean Avenue

Mail stop code: DP7822

Lakewood, NJ 08701


Attached are both the updated Lending Guide as well as the CBC Mortgage Agency Announcement for a summary of the guideline updates.


  • MetroDPA – Master Servicer Change
    Effective with new reservation on March 6th, 2023, all newly reserved Metro DPA loans will be originated under US Bank. US Bank will replace Lakeview as Master servicer on this date.
  • AskUW + UW Submissions
    Please remember to include any communication received from AskUW with your UW Cover letter when you submit your file to underwriting for initial review.  This will ensure your underwriter is aware of any special circumstances up front and can escalate questions to their manager if needed.
  • Essex/NHF Updates – LLPAs    
    Effective with locks on March 15th, 2023, Essex will be implementing the below Loan Lovel Price Adjusters (LLPA’s).

    • DTI > 50% = -.250
    • 660-679 = -.250
    • 640-659 = -.500
    • 620-639 = -1.000
    • 600-619 = -1.500
  • Broker Partner Updates: REMN
    Great news! The REMN HELOC product compensation has increased from 1% to 2%, effective 2/23/23!  As a reminder, this product is not available in all states – see details at the REMN product page here and email Production Support with any questions.
  • CALHFA Launch

Starting Monday, March 6th, California Housing Finance Agency (CALHFA) loans can be originated. When originating these loans please make sure that the correct loan program template is selected in Encompass.

To lock, please submit the attached CALHFA lock form to secondary by 4:30pm EST to lock same day. Loans must be conditionally approved and within 15 days of closing to lock.

We will not be offering High Balance, Homestyle, 203k, Energy efficient, or section 184 loans through the CALHFA program.

On the backend the branch will make .25% and must charge the rest in origination. At a minimum you will need to charge 2% in origination plus processing and UW fees. In total we are allowed to charge up to 3% in origination including processing and UW. Collect the max in fees to out to account for limited backend margin. Loans must still comply with ATR/QM fee limits. A $250 funding fee, $75 tax service fee, and $10 flood cert fee must be charged as well.

Please make sure that you verify your P&L can support the pay structure of this program prior to originating.


Agency Updates

Fannie Mae

Effective immediately, as Fannie Mae continues down the path of Modernization flexibilities when it comes to valuation, allowable alternatives to a 1004D Final Appraisal Inspection when there are completion or repair requirements (subject-to) in the original appraisal are implemented.  Please find attached both the FNMA Selling Guide Announcement 2023-02, FNMA Selling Guide section B4-1.2-05, Requirements for Verifying Completion and Postponed Improvements, and Attestation Letters for both New/Proposed and Existing Construction.

Note: All Value accepted + PDR and Hybrid appraisals are placed with Clear Capital (via ValueLink/Appraisal Department) which is one of the five approved vendors for these products. (Did you know that 40% of the time, Fannie Mae Hybrid appraisals turn into Value Accepted + PDR at the lower cost of time?)

Freddie Mac

Bulletin 2023-5:  Freddie Mac is expiring the remaining temporary COVID-19 related underwriting requirements.  All Loan Product Advisor feedback messages referencing the temporary COVID-19 related requirements will be expired on May 1, 2023, but can be disregarded effectively immediately.


Bulletin 2023-6:  Effective for Mortgages with Settlement Dates on and after July 3, 2023, Non-Occupying borrowers may not be an interested party to the transaction (i.e. builder, seller, real estate agent or broker).


IMPORTANT REMINDER!!!  Any conventional Cash-Out Refinance utilizing Freddie Mac’s LPA is subject to a 12-month seasoning with note dates on and after March 7, 2023.


In February, we brought attention to two BIG items from FHA – Annual MIP Factor updates and 12-Month Positive Rental History impacting AUS findings.  We are updating these to include the following information:

FHA Annual MIP Factors – If you select the “Get MI”, you will need to manually override the Annual MIP Factor (monthly) to the 30 BPS reduced amount.  Encompass has not caught up quite yet with our awesome-ness!

FHA Positive Rental History – Below and attached are the DU Release Notes for Government Loans regarding FHA Case Assignment Dates and how this will impact your DU.  “No” means that the checkbox would NOT be selected at all in our Encompass environment.



GREAT NEWS for our VA eligible borrowers!  Effective with loans closing on and after April 7, 2023, VA is reducing most VA Funding Fee charges.  Exhibit A attached includes the current VA Funding Fee charges and Exhibit B includes the updated VA Funding Fee charges.  We are including with this an updated VA Loan Limit Calculator for loans closing on and after April 7, 2023.

*  *  *

Upcoming Events and Reminders

If you need an invitation to one of the Zoom meetings listed below, please respond to this message or email

  • Iron Sharpens Iron: Tuesday, March 21st @ 11am Eastern
  • VanDyk Mortgage Newscast: Friday, March 10th @ 1pm Eastern
  • Production Roundtable: Tuesday, March 28th @ 1pm Eastern (National Respect your Cat Day)

FHA Disputed Derogatory

Did You Know that you MUST manually downgrade Approve/Accept classifications if the borrower has $1000 or more collectively in Disputed Derogatory Credit Accounts UNLESS the Credit is rescored to remove the dispute?

What is defined as derogatory?

  1. ANY Non-Medical Collection AND
  2. ANY Non-Medical Charge-Off AND
  3. ANY Non-Medical account with a late payment in the last 24 months

We have verified with HUD whether the following statements on any disputed tradeline will need to be considered as a part of the $1000 or more:

Dispute Resolved – Customer Disputes After Resolution – YES

Dispute Resolved – Consumer Disputes After Resolution – YES

Dispute Resolved – Customer Disagrees – NO

Dispute Resolved – Consumer Disagrees – NO

IMPORTANT – You cannot supplement a disputed account to avoid manual downgrade.  The Credit Report MUST be rescored.


25 Points
Claim Points