Corporate Communications

Annual Employee Training – Don’t miss out on earning 50 POINTS!

To:                   ALL Employees

From:              Margarita Hays, Human Resource Manager

James Beebe, Chief Compliance Officer

Date:               7/30/2019

Subject:           Annual Employee Training – Don’t miss out on earning 50 POINTS!


Soon you will be provided access to complete Annual Employee Training 2019 beginning on August 1.  Completion of all 8 modules is due on August 31.  A link along with instructions will be provided on Thursday.

While preparing for this training, you may have received a system generated certificate in error.  Please disregard as your certificate will need to reflect a completion date of August 2019.

The training modules are housed in our Learning Management System. This system will track the completion of each training (certificates) including your scores.

This year we would like to incentivize you by providing a point challenge when training is completed before the due date.  Employees who complete all 8 training modules by Aug 26, will be awarded 50 points on the intranet gaming platform.   Points can be redeemed for merchandise in the VanDyk Store also located on the intranet.    Awards will be based on certificates dated during this time period.

For those employees who completed the training during the onboarding process in 2019, you have already met the requirement.

Happy Training!

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