Corporate Communications


ATTN: All Staff

RE: Emergency Preparedness

In the event of a closing of the Clearwater Operations Center next week due to Hurricane Dorian please be advised of the following:

  1. All employees working out of the Clearwater site have received direction to take their laptop computers with them when they leave this weekend in order to have ability to work from home so that business ops may continue as usual
  2. In the event that employees are unable to work due to power and/or internet outages your contacts will be as follows:
  • Underwriting: Loree Haugom, telephone number 727-214-6491 OR 616-940-3000 and call will be forwarded to Loree
  • Closing/Compliance: Ryan VanDyk, telephone number 616-974-9212
  • Retail Processing: Mary Spirou, 727-497-6625 OR 616-940-3000 and calls will be forwarded to Mary
  1. We have many employees in each department who work offsite already outside of Florida and they will be prepared and able to work on all files requiring immediate attention
  2. Final Inspection – FEMA Disaster Area Final Inspection will be required on all files where the subject property is located in a county designated a disaster area by FEMA. The FEMA Inspections cannot take place until after the designation is made and will be required prior to closing. We have seen in the past that the disaster area designation can take up to a few days after an major weather event happens as it takes FEMA time to assess the situation. Given this scenario, business will continue as usual until we know where inspections will be required. Costs of inspections can be re-disclosed to the borrowers. Inspections required for any loans already closed will be covered by VDM.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to Rich Passanante, Loralynne Ball or Jeanie Nivison.

Thank you.

Corporate Communications

Labor Day Holiday Reminder

To better assist our branches, please see the below timeline, based on Estimated Closing Date, for CD deadlines during our upcoming 3 day weekend:


ECDs for Tues, 9/3, will all need TRID Ready by Weds, 8/27 and CD disclosed and executed by Thursday, 8/28.

ECDs for Weds and Thurs, 9/4 and 9/5, will all need TRID Ready by Thurs, 8/28 and CD disclosed by Friday 8/29, executed by Fri 8/29.


Our offices are closed on Mon 9/2 so you must prepare your borrowers accordingly.

ECDs for Fri 9/6, will need TRID Ready by Fri, 8/29 and CD disclosed Tuesday, 9/3.

Thank you, and please reach out to with any questions or concerns!

Corporate Communications

Labor Day Holiday Reminder

To better assist our branches, please see the below timeline, based on Estimated Closing Date, for CD deadlines during our upcoming 3 day weekend:


ECDs for Tues, 9/3, will all need TRID Ready by Weds, 8/27 and CD disclosed and executed by Thursday, 8/28.

ECDs for Weds and Thurs, 9/4 and 9/5, will all need TRID Ready by Thurs, 8/28 and CD disclosed by Friday 8/29, executed by Fri 8/29.


Our offices are closed on Mon 9/2 so you must prepare your borrowers accordingly.


ECDs for Fri 9/6, will need TRID Ready by Fri, 8/29 and CD disclosed Tuesday, 9/3.

Thank you, and please reach out to with any questions or concerns!

Corporate Communications


To: All Staff

From: Production Support and UW Mgmt

FHA has just issued new guidance for cash out refinances that will affect ALL loans with FHA case numbers assigned on or after September 1, 2019.

The maximum LTV for a cash out refinance will be limited to 80% Loan to Value. This is a change from current FHA guidance which allows for 85% LTV on a cash out refinance.

If you are working on any refinances where this could impact the loan scenario you’ve disclosed to your borrower make sure you have a FHA case number assigned as soon as possible.

If you aren’t sure how to pull a FHA case number, please reach out to Production Support for assistance.

Corporate Communications

Instructions for 2019 Annual Employee Training – Due August 31

Dear Employees,

2019 Annual Employee Training period has begun!  Employees who complete all 8 training modules by Aug 26, will be awarded 50 points on the intranet gaming platform.

Anyone hired after 1/1/2019 has already met the employee training requirement for 2019 during the onboarding process, thus will not need to complete it again this year.  Below are a few instructions to help you get started.

  1. Click on this link to access the Annual Training …  You can access the training on any smart mobile device!
  2. You will be directed to log into iSpring.  If you have forgotten your password, click on “forgot your password”and follow the prompts.
  3. You will then be directed to the Annual Employee Training modules.  To open each training modules, follow the instructions below.  There are 8 modules to complete.

You can view the modules in any order you wish.

Click on the drop down arrow by “1 course”, then click on training title.

On the bottom of each slide is a navigation barHere you can enlarge the size of the presentation, control the volume and move forward in the presentation.

This bar also reflects the slide number you are on, and the total number of slides in the presentation, not including the quiz.

For example, the bar below shows 4 / 21.  This means you are on the 4th slide and there are 21 total slides in this module.

4.  When you have completed the quiz, hit the escape buttonon your keyboard, then click on the X on the top right corner of the module to exit the presentation.

You will be returned to the iSpring dashboard where you can select the next training module.

5. Each time you pass a course, a certificate of completion will be automatically emailed to you.  The iSpring system will also track your certificates for future reference.  Please DO NOT email us your certificate.

Should you have any questions or issues, please contact Sarah at 616-974-9277

Happy Training!


Corporate Communications

Annual Employee Training – Don’t miss out on earning 50 POINTS!

To:                   ALL Employees

From:              Margarita Hays, Human Resource Manager

James Beebe, Chief Compliance Officer

Date:               7/30/2019

Subject:           Annual Employee Training – Don’t miss out on earning 50 POINTS!


Soon you will be provided access to complete Annual Employee Training 2019 beginning on August 1.  Completion of all 8 modules is due on August 31.  A link along with instructions will be provided on Thursday.

While preparing for this training, you may have received a system generated certificate in error.  Please disregard as your certificate will need to reflect a completion date of August 2019.

The training modules are housed in our Learning Management System. This system will track the completion of each training (certificates) including your scores.

This year we would like to incentivize you by providing a point challenge when training is completed before the due date.  Employees who complete all 8 training modules by Aug 26, will be awarded 50 points on the intranet gaming platform.   Points can be redeemed for merchandise in the VanDyk Store also located on the intranet.    Awards will be based on certificates dated during this time period.

For those employees who completed the training during the onboarding process in 2019, you have already met the requirement.

Happy Training!