Dear Staff,
Have you wondered whether the H.S.A. could be a good option for you?
Please open the “Did You Know” link below and learn more about how you may benefit from electing this plan.
Thank you!
Dear Staff,
Have you wondered whether the H.S.A. could be a good option for you?
Please open the “Did You Know” link below and learn more about how you may benefit from electing this plan.
Thank you!
Austin Bell
Veronica Buck
Celeste Fissell-Out at 1:00pm
Jorge Giral
Loree Haugom
Lindsey Magness
Aaron Nemeth
Wendy Skytta
Mandy TenHarmsel
Brenna Toldand
Justin Meade
Alyssa Anderson
Allison Bandeen
Jennifer Bobbett
Trudi Burke
Isabel Chavez
Cindy Doyle
Carol Dupuis
Cassey Hanks
Loree Haugom
Rebecca Hilderbrant
Maritza Jimenez
Tammy Kilmer
Cheryl Korson
Lindsey Magness
Rosemary Morel
Erin Nivison
Kieffer Nyland
Kyle Reif
Amalia Salazar
Wendy Skytta
Brenna Toland
Justin Vanlede-Zinn
Rayna White-Jenkins
Tina Wilkinson
Amber Workman
Jenna Francis
Jessica Rodriguez-Mendez
Corey Hill-Working from Byron Center Location-(616) 648-6612
Trudi Burke
Catherine Dowd
Cindy Doyle
Carol Dupuis
Brooke Hartle-Dixon
Loree Haugom
Maritza Jimenez
Tamara Kilmer
Kyle Reif
Amalia Salazar
Brenna Toland
Justin Vanlede-Zinn
Tina Wilkinson
Kami Konyndyk
Jake Keglor
Laura Carucci
Sharon Ferguson-Working from Home- (727) 310-4181
Angela Corson-Working from Home-(616) 818-2486
Have specific questions regarding your benefits and would like to speak to an expert?
Please open the “Did You Know” PowerPoint attached.
Thank you!
Margarita Hays
Optimal Blue: Community Seconds
Over the weekend Optimal Blue released an update to help better price loans with Community Seconds. If a loan has a community second down payment it does not have CLTV pricing hits (assuming the whole second lien is from the community second). Prior to this release you were required to remove the second lien information when pricing a loan with a community second. With this release a drop-down selection is now present when a second lien loan amount is pulled in from encompass. If you are utilizing a community second down payment you will want to change the highlighted drop down below from “No” to “Yes” to view correct pricing.
Within Encompass please make sure that you have the Community Seconds check box marked on the FNMA Streamlined 1003 as Secondary will be checking this to make sure that the drop down wasn’t selected in error.
Please email should you have any questions
On the evening of November 28th Optimal Blue will be pushing through a major update/release. To make sure that the release functions properly we will be shutting down the ability to lock loans at 5pm EST on 11/28. Lock ability will be reinstated at 11am EST on 11/29. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Please prepare accordingly as no exceptions will be made to this.
Trudi Burke
Megan Crowley
Catherine Dowd
Cindy Dolye
Carol Dupuis
Rhonda Francis
Loree Haugom
Maritza Jimenez
Tammy Kilmer
Kyle Reif
Brenna Toland
Junstin Vanlede-Zinn
Tina Wilkinson
Layla Yourkwitz
Dear Staff,
If you missed the Open Enrollment Webinar today, you can still capture the information by clicking on the link and following the instructions below.
Instructions: Click “Benefits”, then “Benefits”, then click on the file titled “VanDyk Open Enrollment Meeting for 2019”.
Thank you!