Shelby Bales

Allison Bandeen

Jonathon Barnes

Megan Crowley

Joe Dishinger

Catherine Dowd

Cindy Doyle

Carol Dupuis

Sharon Ferguson

James Freiberg

Erik Georgieff – in by 1PM

Jason Hornback

Kami Konyndyk

Kim Laughlin

Darla Pfeiffer

Kyle Reif

Angela Ross

Yesenia Sifuentes

Stephanie Slomback

Sarah Vollink – Out at 12PM

Rachel Wheat

Lisa Sanford

Jo Harvey

Lori Manse

Corey Hill – Working from home Cell# 616-648-6612

Laura Carucci

Corporate Communications


Dear Employees,

Open Enrollment begins TODAY!

 Here are a few helpful items to share with you…

  1. When you log into Web Benefits, and start your enrollment process your current benefits will be listed. Make changes as needed.
  2. If you wish to remain with your current benefit elections, you will need to click on View Plan Options and click on “Keep Selection” for Medical/dental/Vision
  3. Your new benefits will become effective on 1/1/2019.  This is a correction to the previous Q and A email sent.
  4. Changes to your benefit election will be displayed on the pay check date of 1/7/2019.
  5. The 2019 Benefits Guide along with an instructional guide on how to enroll via Web Benefits is attached.
  6. The open enrollment ends on November 29.  You will not be able to enroll or make changes after this date.
  7. Please join one of the sessions below. No registration needed.


General Information Session Locations:


Clearwater, FL

Thursday, November 15, 2018

First Floor Conf. Rm – Feather Sound Building One

Presenter:  Karen Barnes, Hylant


Sessions: 10am 1:30pm 3pm


Grand Rapids, MI

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Upper Floor Conference Room

Presenter:  Gina Rogers, Hylant


Sessions: 10am 1:30pm 3pm



Live Webinar

Presenter:  Karen Barnes, Hylant

Friday, November 16, 2018

Link to webinar:

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.


You can also dial in using your phone.
United States (Toll Free): 1 866 899 4679
United States: +1 (571) 317-3117
Access Code: 202-926-781
First GoToMeeting? Let’s do a quick system check:


Session: 9am EST – Live
  Recording:  Information to access recorded webinar will be provided at a later date.


Please contact me at mhays@vandymortgage.com or Brenna Toland at btoland@vandykmortgage.com should you have questions.




Margarita Hays


Web Benefits Employee User Guide

2019 VanDyk Benefit Guide Final

Corporate Communications

Answers to Your Open Enrollment Questions…

Good Morning Staff,


Several questions have been posed regarding Open Enrollment.  Perhaps this may answer some of your questions as well.


Q: When does Open Enrollment begin?

A:  Open Enrollment begins TOMORROW, Thursday, Nov 15.  Sessions in FL and MI begin at the following times:

  • 10am; 1:30pm; and 3pm
  • FL – Sessions will meet in First FLR Conference Room – Feather Sound Building
  • MI – Sessions will meet in the GR Upper FLR Conference Room
  • The Live Webinar is scheduled for 9am on Friday the 16th.  (For webinar link and details, see email sent from Corp. Communications on 11/12)


Q: Do I have to enroll or will benefits roll over?

A:  Everyone will need to re-enroll.  All benefits end on 12/31/18.


Q:  I don’t plan on using VanDyk’s benefits this year.  Do I still need to enroll?

A:  YES!  Even though you do not plan to use VDM’s health benefits, you will need to go through the enrollment process and WAIVE the benefits.


Q:  When will Open Enrollment end?

A:  Open Enrollment will end on November 29.


Q:  Can I make changes to my elections after Open Enrollment ends?

A:  Unfortunately, no.  Once open enrollment ends the data will be sent to the insurance carriers.


Q:  If after making my elections I need to make a change, can I still do so during the Open Enrollment period?

A:  Yes.  You can make a change if open enrollment has not ended.


Q:  How can I access the recorded webinar?

A:  We will provide that information after the live webinar has ended.


Q:  Will we receive information on the various plans?

A:   Please see attached document.


Q:  Where can I find detailed information (Summary Plan Documents) regarding the different plans?

A:   Detailed information regarding the different plans can be found in 3 locations:


  1. In Paylocity –  Benefits section (beneath the Time Entry module), labeled “2019 Benefits Documents”
  2. Company Intranet –   HR and Payroll public share in the “Benefits” folder:https://vdmc.net/dept/hr/fileshare.php
  3. Online Enrollment – Once you begin the enrollment process you will be provided links to view detailed information on each plan.


Q:  How do I elect my benefits online?

A:  We have provided step-by-step instructions on electing your benefits online.  Please see attached.


              Q:  What if I don’t have my credentials for Paylocity?

         A:  Contact HR@vandykmortgage.com and we will reset your password.


         Q:  When will my new benefits become effective?

A:  January 1, 2018.


Q:  Do I have to elect FSA or HSA and voluntary benefits again?

A:  YES.


Q:  Can I elect a FSA and HSA benefit?

A:  Unfortunately, no.  You must choose between the two benefits.


Have more questions?  Please feel free to contact me at mhays@vandykmortgage.com, or Brenna Toland at btoland@vandykmortgage.com.


Thank you!

Margarita Hays



Web Benefits Employee User Guide

2019 VanDyk Benefit Guide Final

Corporate Communications

IRS & Tax Returns

Possible delay of tax return refunds due to changes to recent tax code

This is from the IRS website

The IRS has not yet announced a date that it will begin accepting individual tax returns for the 2018 tax filing season. At the present time, the IRS is continuing to update its programming and processing systems for 2018. In addition, the IRS continues to closely monitor potential legislation that could affect the 2018 tax season, including a number of “extender” tax provisions that expired at the end of 2016 that could potentially be renewed for tax year 2017 by Congress.

The IRS anticipates it will not be at a point to announce a filing season start date until later in the calendar year. The IRS will continue to work closely with the nation’s tax professionals and software community as preparations continue for the 2018 tax filing season.

Speculation on the Internet that the IRS will begin accepting tax returns on Jan. 22 or after the Martin Luther King Jr. Day holiday in January is inaccurate and misleading; no such date has been set.

Refund Timing

 In addition, the IRS cautions taxpayers from relying on misleading refund charts on the internet that project tax refund dates. Any speculation about refund dates in 2018 is premature. In addition, these refund charts can overlook that many different factors affect the timing of tax refunds, ranging from the accuracy of information on the return to whether a taxpayer files electronically. In addition, the IRS and state revenue departments have increased their security protocols against identity theft and refund fraud, which also can affect the timing of federal and state refunds.

The IRS issues more than nine out of 10 refunds in less than 21 days. However, it’s possible your tax return may require additional review and take longer. Where’s My Refund? has the most up to date information available about your refund. The tool is updated no more than once a day so you don’t need to check more often. If you use a mobile device you can download the IRS2Go app to check your refund status.

E-File coupled with Direct Deposit remains the fastest way for taxpayers to receive their refunds.

Due to law changes first affecting last year’s returns, the IRS cannot issue refunds for tax returns claiming the EITC or ACTC before mid-February. This law requires the IRS to hold the entire refund — even the portion not associated with the EITC or ACTC. However, there is no need to wait to file such returns since the IRS will process them to the point of refund and then begin refund release when permitted by law.


Corporate Communications


Dear Employees,

Open Enrollment begins on Thursday, Nov. 15!

A representative of Hylant (our Insurance Broker) will be presenting in Clearwater FL and Grand Rapids, MI.  The informational session will also be available via a LIVE Webinar and will also be recorded for your convenience.  (See below for link and information for webinar)

The open enrollment period to elect your benefits via Paylocity begins on November 15 and ends on November 29.

The 2019 Benefits Guide along with an instructional guide on how to enroll via Web Benefits is attached.  For those of you who desire a more detailed description, Summary Plan Benefit Docs will be made available on our intranet.  More information on that to follow.

Be sure to participate in one of the sessions below.  No registration required.


General Information Session Locations:


Clearwater, FL

Thursday, November 15, 2018

First Floor Conf. Rm – Feather Sound Building One

Presenter:  Karen Barnes, Hylant


Sessions: 10am 1:30pm 3pm



Grand Rapids, MI

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Upper Floor Conference Room

Presenter:  Gina Rogers, Hylant


Sessions: 10am 1:30pm 3pm


Live Webinar

Presenter:  Karen Barnes, Hylant

Friday, November 16, 2018

Link to webinar:

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.


You can also dial in using your phone.
United States (Toll Free): 1 866 899 4679
United States: +1 (571) 317-3117
Access Code: 202-926-781
First GoToMeeting? Let’s do a quick system check:


Session: 9am – Live
  Recording:  Information to access recorded webinar will be provided at a later date.


Please contact me should you have questions.



Margarita Hays


2019 VanDyk Benefit Guide Final

Web Benefits Employee User Guide

Corporate Communications

Human Resource Newest Team ADDITION!

Dear Staff,

We are so excited to formally announce our newest addition to the Human Resource Team!….


Brenna Toland


Brenna’s keen technical knowledge, strong organizational skills, and customer service attitude is a great match for the H.R. Generalist position.

Brenna will be responsible for Benefits, Performance Reviews, Management of VDM Learning Management System; Worker’s Compensation and will share the New Employee Onboarding responsibilities with Allison Bandeen.

We are thrilled to have Brenna on our team.  Please join me in congratulating Brenna on her new role.

Kind Regards,

Margarita Hays