Corporate Communications

Electronic W-2 Available


Your W-2 is available on Paylocity’s website. To access this document please follow the below instructions.

Log in to Paylocity’s website.

Navigate to Paylocity’s Self Service Portal by hovering over the dark grey box and selecting “Self Service Portal”.

Under the Pay heading in the dashboard, select “More…” in the bottom right corner, then select “Tax Forms”.

From here your 2018 W-2 will pull up if you had wages in 2018. You can download and print this, follow the instructions once you select download.

Couple things to note:

  1. You will still receive a paper copy of your W-2 as long as you did not select the paperless option within Paylocity.
  2. Should you need a password reset please email,
  3. The wages you see on your W-2 may not be your total gross wages as shown on your final pay statement. The W-2 shows your total taxable wages.

Thank you,

Corporate Communications

ShareDiligence Announcement – Vendor Approvals

VanDyk Mortgage is excited to announce the introduction of ShareDiligence, a Strategic Compliance Partners (SCP) product to process vendor approvals. After a vendor request is submitted they will check their database which has hundreds of vendors already approved or reach out to collect the appropriate information/documentation directly from the vendor. All that is needed to start the approval process with Share Diligence is the vendor’s name and an email address. Shortly thereafter we will inform you of the approval status of the vendor.


Austin Bell will act as liaison between Share Diligence and submit any vendor requests you may have, so you may still send all approval requests to Austin Bell directly at

Corporate Communications

URGENT: Credit Only Approvals (TBD Workflow)

URGENT: Credit Only Approvals (TBD Workflow)

Link to Document – TBD workflow

Per the announcement below the Milestone update took place overnight last night.   With this conversion we’ve ran into some issues with access to certain loans.   If you’ve lost access to a loan in Encompass PLEASE LOG OUT OF ENCOMPASS AND BACK IN.  If this doesn’t resolve your issue, please email Brian Dinsmore at: and he will help reset the loan for you.

NOTE: When emailing Brian Dinsmore please include the following

    • Loan Number
    • Users assigned to the loan (LO, LP, UW. Ect.)
    • Milestone the loan is currently in


Corporate Communications

UPDATE – Tax Transcripts 4506T

Tax Transcripts

With the recent shut down of the Federal Government, Tax Transcripts were put on hold as the IRS was not processing these requests. On Monday, Corporate Communication sent out stating that the IRS will resume processing 4506-T requests as of Monday, January 7, 2019.

Our investors are now lifting the suspension and will start requiring Tax Transcripts immediately.  Please go through your pipelines and ensure that you have ordered your transcripts and do the necessary follow-up to ensure we received these transcripts in time for closing.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

Thank you,

Corporate Communications

Your W-2 Information/Paylocity Notification

Good Morning,

As the year comes to a close that also means that tax returns are right around the corner.  With that said, your W-2 will be mailed the end of January.  At this time, we would like everyone to confirm that their address is correct in Paylocity to avoid delays in receiving your W-2 statement by mail. Should you need a password reset or other help accessing this information, please do not hesitate to reach out to your HR Department at

Also, this morning there was a settings update to many people’s direct deposit accounts, that may have resulted in you receiving an email notification from Paylocity. If you received this do not be alarmed as nothing was changed except for the classification that the account was marked with. No other changes were made.  If you notice any issues, please let HR know.

Thank you,

Human resources