Updated 2:00PM EST – System Outages. E-mail – Skype – Encompass

Updated 1:00PM EST

Updated 2:00PM EST

We are currently aware of 3 major system outages impacting us right now.   EllieMae and Microsoft are both actively working on the issues but unfortunately as of right now I do not have an ETA on resolution.

What to expect?

Email & Skype

You may experience a login prompt on email or Skype that you cannot get past even it states you are successful.    This includes getting prompted on your mobile devices.

We are currently at about 100 impacted users.

The issues are now reporting and testing as resolved.


High Latency.  (More sluggish than normal when logging in, opening or saving loans.)

Issues with services such as ordering docs.

The issues are now reporting and testing as resolved.

We will update the team as more information becomes available to us.

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