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December 15, 2022
Conventional loan limits updated to $726,200. DU and LPA are already updated to accept these values. Loans can close immediately with these values but the lock must be good through 1/2/2023.
Optimal Blue is updated to accept the new loan limits for both FHA and Conventional immediately.
Last month we announced the new Chase Community Lending program. To clarify additional details: the loan won’t be sent to Chase for underwriting until it’s been locked. In addition, the loan program won’t reflect as Chase Community Lending until the lock has been confirmed, so it is IMPERATIVE that your intention to submit the file to Chase be communicated to your processor. Your Processor will need to specify on their UW Cover Letter the loan is being sent to Chase (if it’s not already locked at initial UW). As long as this is communicated, one of our amazing underwriters will pre-scrub the file against the Chase guidelines to catch any potential issues up front.
We are pleased to add Citi Bank as a Jumbo outlet. Attached please find our updated Jumbo Comparison sheet and some facts about the Citi Program. These jumbo loans can now be priced in Optimal Blue. Please remember to email to have our Jumbo team review these loans prior to locking.
In order to lock, please review the KHC Reservation guide attached. Also attached is the KHC bond request form that needs to be submitted to secondary by 4:30pm EST to lock same day.
Normal and customary fees can be charged on the loan (Processing and UW). A $175 admin fee and $595 UW fee must be charged to the customer as these are all program fees. The 2nd mortgage must have fees of $50 doc prep fee and $80 recording.
On the backend, the branch will make the .25% and must charge 1.5% in origination for FHA, Conventional, and USDA loans. On VA Loans no origination can be charged, and the branch will make 1.75% on the backend. Please make sure that you verify your P&L can support the pay structure of this program prior to originating.
With the recent changes to the 4506C requirements, we are seeing more frequent rejections from the IRS on our transcript orders. If you can verify the most recent tax filing address and fill in your 4506C to match this will greatly help reduce those rejections. See the attached QC Update PDF for additional details and thank you for your help!
We are excited about the improved feature for your Partners to create their own SN account! Our awesome Marketing department is working diligently on adding your individual LO Landing page links to your existing accounts.
Find the link to share with your partners under Contacts > Partners. Remember: If the agent is also a borrower, make sure they use a different email than the one they used for their personal loan!
In Encompass, the Income Worksheet – LTK form has been updated to a newer version. An example of the worksheet is attached.
We have revised our 2nd mortgage HELOC policy to allow individual LO compensation. Closed end fixed rate seconds are still not eligible for LO comp, however, the open-ended stand-alone HELOC loans are now eligible. If you utilize the company’s processing team, the fee is reduced from $695 to $495 for these stand-alone 2nds. Additional details are attached.
New Partner- REMN: We are pleased to offer a new broker partnership with REMN and are looking forward to their EXCELLENT LO and Borrower hand-holding experience with the 203k and HomeStyle product offerings. REMN will provide 203H options as well. Additionally, we are DELIGHTED to announce that REMN has a stand-alone HELOC 5-day close product. Production Support will coordinate training, so watch for the invitations coming soon!
Union Savings Bank – RESTRICTED: We continue to experience hardships with Union Savings and have determined a restriction in business operations is necessary. With the constant revision in how they conduct themselves (from the initial disclosure process through underwriting submission and changing loan approval terms and decision last minute) Effective Monday, 12/19/22, Union Savings Bank brokered loan requests will include a more in-depth review process to ensure the loan officer understands the risk involved.
Pipeline Management: With the start of the new year upon us, we will be rolling out new Pipeline Management policies. As you may be aware, we are looking to have clean and accurate pipelines moving forward. This will assist us in not only accurately forecasting our internal revenue, but also ensure we are staffed properly to meet the necessary accommodations regarding closings and other operational procedures. In addition, we will be providing extra support regarding the loan process, should a loan stall for a myriad of circumstances we will be reaching out to see if the issue can be elevated to a senior manager to see if a solution can be found. Our ultimate goal is to close as many loans as possible!
ECOA: Changes are coming to the LSN/Notice of Incompleteness procedure. This will be a more automated process to ensure our compliance and fulfillment, though it won’t be intrusive to the way we do business. We are hosting a training for this new process next week – watch your inbox for an invitation!
As a reminder, the updated Underwriting Standards Checklist should be utilized for your new submissions. This new checklist includes the new requirements for running aiUW on all files and the use of the Underwriting Cover Letter. The updated standards are attached. If you missed the recent aiUW training call, you can review it here
Effective December 1, a new pipeline folder is being utilized to house our Brokered Loans. This folder will help ensure better file flow through underwriting and help us to efficiently monitor our in-house closings for the month. Once your file is approved for brokering, Production Support will move the file into the new Brokered Loans folder from Prospects. Upon completion, the file will be moved from the Brokered Loans folder into the Closed Loan folder.
Agency Updates
USDA has announced UPCOMING revisions to Chapters 9 and 15 of the USDA Handbook 3555. These are anticipated to be implemented in January 2023. The updates are extensive and EXCITING so we have attached the full Procedure Notice as well as a much clearer Highlight. Our favorite update is regarding sourcing deposits: We will no longer be required to source and explain EVERY non-payroll deposit. USDA is loosening up the requirement to only need to source recurring deposits as well as non-recurring deposits greater than $1,000.
Upcoming Events and Reminders
If you need an invitation to one of the Zoom meetings listed below, please respond to this message or email
Idaho Housing and Finance Association: Homebuyer Education
Please note that Idaho HFA does not accept Fannie Mae HomeView for homebuyer education – they will accept the Finally Home course.
4506-C Form Changes
As a reminder: As we receive feedback from DataVerify, Encompass will be updated to accommodate changes that come across for the 4506-C form.
TBDs/Files on Hold – Move your ECDs!
Reminder: for any TBD or file on hold with an ECD of 12/31/22 in Encompass, please push it to 12/31/2023. IT has added in the first payment dates in Encompass through July 2024
Combining Buydown Programs and DPA
Please be advised that buydown programs are unable to be combined with certain DPAs. For example, Essex DPA will not allow a buydown.
Check with your underwriter or to confirm.
Reminder-Appraisal Delivery – Just need one
FYI, we need appraisal delivery confirmation from only ONE person involved in the transaction. If the subject is a primary residence, the appraisal delivery needs to be delivered to a borrower who will occupy as their primary. If it is a VA loan, it must be delivered to the veteran. If the subject is a second home or investment, the delivery confirmation can be from any person on the loan. The delivery confirmation received from ValueLink showing the report was delivered is sufficient.
Alternately, an email to the borrower showing the report was sent will work (if you send to the email address, we have eConsent for) or the report is delivered via SimpleNexus and proof of delivery uploaded.
VanDyk Happenings – Did You Know?
Keep an eye out for Did You Knows to be posted in the VanDyk Happenings Facebook group – Lindsey will frequently be posting helpful information!
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November 15, 2022
If you were unable to attend the first ever Ops Fly-in, or you were there and want a second look at some of the presentations, you are in luck! Visit to view recordings from both days.
We are happy to announce that we have partnered with Chase Bank to offer improved pricing and rates in underserved areas of the country. When you run pricing, Optimal Blue will use the address, zip code, State, and county to determine if the address fits into its community lending program. If the product is in an eligible census tract you will see a loan program that contains “Chase Community Lending” in the name.
This program will be underwritten by Chase, so please take that into consideration when locking and plan for the extra time needed to obtain the conditional and final underwriting approvals from the lender (Amber will handle submitting the file to the lender and applicable conditions will be added into Encompass – there will be no difference in how processing submits or re-submits these files into underwriting). Eligible products are Conventional 30 Year Fixed, HomeReady 30 Year Fixed, and HomePossible 30 Year Fixed. Attached are chase Community lending guidelines and Chase overlay guides.
On October 24, 2022, the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) announced changes to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac’s guarantee fee pricing by eliminating upfront fees for certain borrowers as well as affordable mortgage products. They also announced targeted increases to the upfront fees for most cash-out refinance loans. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have both issued lender letters of the changes.
We are working diligently with Optimal Blue and Encompass to implement other changes mandated by FHFA. No changes were made to AMI requirements for HomeReady and HomePossible. We will have further updates when they are available.
We are excited to share a new Nationwide DPA option! This program will be priced through Optimal Blue. There is a training for Loan Originators scheduled on Tuesday, November 29 at 1pm – invitation is attached, titled “invite.ics” – or email Production Support to have it sent to you.
We are no longer approved with Mass Housing. Mass Housing has volume requirements and we were unable to meet those requirements. Termination is effective immediately.
We are pleased to offer a Retail solution for DSCR loans through Bayview. These loans will be a hybrid process for underwriting and closing where Bayview will do the underwrite and VDM will handle the closing. Offering a Retail option will provide more pricing and guidelines options to our borrowers.
Any questions can be directed to Please refer to the attached Pricing Guide for tips on pricing these loans in Optimal Blue.
Starting 12/1/22, Closers will be issuing funding authorization on their own Hybrid eClosings. We have also consolidated the funding review conditions for Hybrid eClosing, allowing for a faster, easier, and more efficient funding review.
Closing will be defaulting to Hybrid eClosings on eligible files if no closing method is specified. Traditional wet sign closings will still be available but must be specifically requested when filling out your Closing Request.
With the delay in the auto-notification from Encompass for Same Day UW Review, we are requesting that if your loan is being resubmitted within 1 business day of your closing date, an email is submitted to the assigned Underwriter on the loan file and copying the Regional Underwriting Manager to notify them of the request for Same Day UW Review. Thank you for your patience while we continue to test our systems.
New Partner- FNBA: We are pleased to offer a new broker partnership with First National Bank of America. FNBA lends in all 50 states and their service levels with the ITIN programs offered look to be higher than our current offerings. We will send out more information about this exciting development soon!
Spring EQ-Increase in compensation: Spring EQ has increased the compensation from 2.0 to 2.5% for their open-ended HELOCs when you select borrower paid. Lender paid and fixed rate HELOAN / closed end compensation remains unchanged. 2% minimum must be charged on every Spring EQ transaction. At this time, the compensation is paid to the branch and not the LO.
Reminder: for any TBD or file on hold with an ECD of 12/31/22 in Encompass, please push it to 12/31/2023. IT has added in the first payment dates in Encompass through July 2024.
A new Written Verification of Employment Cheat Sheet is attached for your reference.
The Area Median Income (AMI) Lookup Tool provides lenders with a quick and easy way to look up income eligibility by area, property address, or FIPS code. Here’s a link to Fannie’s AMI tool and Freddie’s tool!
Just a reminder that the AccountChek report fee charged to the branch is $18 for a 60-day w/ refresh or $21 for a 90-day w/ refresh. There is no charge if results are not delivered. AUS will be able to pick up a 12-month rental history if one is present – a separate VOR order is not required.
FREDDIE MAC has introduced positive cash flow as an additional compensating factor when AccountChek is used. This means your Caution LPA result could flip to an accept if you pull an AccountChek and the results reflect the borrower’s running balances and deposits/accounts are healthy and demonstrate smart money management. Adding additional accounts can help to strengthen the scenario.
In our effort to make Encompass run more efficiently, we have disabled the automated email notifications upon loan submittal, resubmittal, and other milestones. If you would like assittance setting up a pipeline view to see your milestone status at a glance, please email Production Support.
Effective immediately, we are forgoing the use of InterIsland for review on established Condo Projects. Our Condo Team has worked closely with InterIsland over the past 6 months to help absorb the heavy volume and move in a forward direction. With this change, the InterIsland Fee will no longer be charged. The Condo Processing Fee of $150 as well as any third-party fees for documents will still be invoiced. We will continue to send New Construction Projects to InterIsland as they always have and invoice accordingly. We look forward to continuing to serve our Condominium customers.
Agency Updates
Loan Product Advisor Enhancement – Use of a Borrower’s cash flow in its credit assessment
Credit Card Reward Points as a Source of Funds: Credit Card Reward Points are not an eligible source of funds to qualify the Borrower when the points are redeemed for cash. Documentation requirements when the funds are not yet deposited in the Borrower’s account is as follows:
Upcoming Events and Reminders
If you need an invitation to one of the Zoom meetings listed below, please respond to this message or email
PLUS: Bonus Training Feast Leftovers!
Total Expert – Training Sessions for new CRM (LOs: you only need to attend one session per class)
Creating Business Growth
Q&A For Loan Officers
35th Anniversary Events
March 2 – 4, 2023 | Annual Sales Fly-in
VA Final Inspection Reports
If you are not getting the VA notification email for an upload to the VA portal, this is because once the NOV is issued the VA email notifications stop going out.
Please check the VA Portal for your report listed under Repair Inspection or please send an email to Amber Workman to check on it for you.
Buydowns: FHA ADP Code
When ordering your FHA Case Number Assignment on a 2-1 FHA Buydown, 797 must be selected as the ADP Code and Buydown must be answered “YES”.
Assets – LP
When using Freddie Mac LPA for your conventional loans, only 1 month’s asset statement is required versus the standard 2.
The statement must reflect all identifying information and have a starting and ending balance.
Condo Documents for Brokered Loans
Did you know? The condo department is able to assist with condo reviews/obtaining docs on brokered files!
Some lenders require their own questionnaires but Production Support has the details and the Condo Department can invoice for specific fees
Reminder: Check your Loan Program/AUS
Please review the Loan Program on your Borrower Summary 2021 form in Encompass to ensure the AUS you are delivering to underwriting matches. If your program says DU, you should not be running Freddie Mac LPA.
Underwriting Turn Times
With the launch of Lightning Close and our underwriting department running at a standard 48 hours or less, we will no longer be emailing daily turn times.
UW turn times will be posted on the Encompass Home Page seen below.
If turn times vary between submission/resubmission or purchase/refinances, that will be noted in this section as well.
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October 17, 2022
As announced at the Ops Fly In, we are delighted to inform that Taryn Chatel has been promoted to Production Support Operations Manager, responsible for the daily management and oversight of the Production Support department team members, systems, and services including the company training and VDMU programs. Congratulations Taryn – we know you and your team will do an incredible job!
Wow – what an amazing weekend! We had a wonderful time learning about Magic, the VanDyk Life of Loan process, how pink shoes really DO make the man, and that when there is an open bar and 80’s synth pop blasting all night, the VanDyk Ops team will still show up to their commitments on time. Please remember to complete the survey and give your opinion on what we got right and how we can improve for the next event (available until 10/21) and don’t forget to check out all the fun pictures!
Remember, if you have a Primary Residence or 2nd home self-employed borrower looking to qualify using bank statements, try pricing the loan out in Optimal Blue before brokering. We have 2 non-delegated in house options for these loans that are competitively priced – your LO comp is not disclosed, the appraisal is ordered like a regular conventional deal, and the loan is closed in VanDyk’s name through our closing department. Give us a try!
203(h) program is available, with guidelines listed on the FHA Fixed Rate matrix (attached). Please choose the loan program “FHA 203H 30 Year Fixed.” The Section of the Act will show 203b; DU will run Approve/Ineligible due to the loan amount.
When pricing these loans, please make sure that the “HUD Specialty” box is checked.
The ADP code should be 703. There is a Program ID in the FHA Case Number Assignment Screen drop down option which is required to be listed as “(02)- Disaster Housing” in order for the 203(h) mortgages to be properly identified in the FHA Connection system.
As previously announced, for all FL Housing Bond loans with reservation dates after Oct 3rd, Lakeview Loan Servicing has replaced US Bank as the servicer. Importantly, Lakeview does not permit the use of the “Single Unit Approval” condo review process for FHA loans sold to them. This is the process by which we review and approve a condo project for ourselves, prior to closing.
For FHA condo loans using FL Housing DPA, the remaining options are to 1) close on a condo project already approved by HUD/FHA or 2) submit the condo review documents directly to FHA for their review and approval (“HRAP” review process).
FHA does not charge a fee for HRAP condo reviews, and the guidelines and requirements are very similar to those for the Single Unit Approval process. The key distinction between both is that HRAP turn times are published as up to 30 calendar days to complete, although timelines could be shorter depending on volume.
If you have any questions, please direct them to
Hurricane Ian Update: Here is the most recent and up-to-date list of counties in the State of Florida that have been declared a Major Disaster Area and will require an inspection based upon the attached memo:
A new version of the 4506-C is coming and will be automatically updated in Encompass. DataVerify will take the old form through 11/30/2022, but after that date a new form will need to be signed by the borrower(s) in order to order transcripts.
We are coming up on October 17, 2022, which is the extension deadline for 2021 Taxes to be filed. The IRS / Washington have put out guidance that those in Florida, NC, SC, parts of Alaska, and Hinds County Mississippi have until February 15, 2023, due to the recent disasters.
We will need 2021 Tax Transcripts in the file for anything with a note date on or after 11/1/2022 for all other areas. If you are not able to obtain the tax transcripts because the borrower just recently filed, we will need to show proof of filing via one of the allowable methods AND waive transcripts to go direct to agency. As a reminder, if the borrower owes any monies, we do need to show these as paid OR evidence of accepted IRS Installment Agreement and include in the DTI.
Our Student Loan Cheat Sheet has been updated with USDA’s new guidance as well as information when a Student Loan is Government backed and in collections with FHA. In addition, specifics for Freddie Mac’s Student Loan forgiveness, cancelation, discharge, and employment contingent repayment programs have been added.
Agency Updates
With the Selling Guide Announcement issued 10/5/2022 from Fannie Mae (attached), they are expanding the documentation options for borrowers drawing Social Security Income (SSI) from their own account or work record. In addition to the Social Security Administration (SSA) Award Letter or Proof of Current Receipt, Fannie will now allow the SSA-1099 of the most recent signed federal income tax return (or transcripts) to serve as adequate documentation. The FNMA Selling Guide “B3-3.1-09 Other Sources of Income” table has been updated as follows.
Freddie Mac is specifying requirements for Borrowers who own less than 25% of a business and receive ordinary income or guaranteed payments reported on an IRS Schedule K-1 for Partnerships and S-Corporations. With this update, the guide is now requiring that for borrows with this income characteristic, sellers (VanDyk Mortgage) must use either:
Also see attached Freddie Mac Bulletin 2022-20 for additional updates related to Freddie Mac Condo Project Advisor and Property Eligibility and Appraisals.
USDA has updated multiple paragraphs within Chapter 11 Ratio Analysis Microsoft Word – 3555-1chapter11 ( section of the RD Handbook HB-1-3555. Highlights from this update are:
Attached to this Newsletter are the full details of the updates; many of those being grammatical.
Borrowers Sharing Email – Important!
Borrowers who are not on a joint application cannot share an email address. Joint borrowers may share an email if they are on the same URLA, but co-mortgagors/borrower pair 2 may not use the same email as borrower pair 1. This is against our eConsent policy.
If you have any questions or need clarification, please reach out to Compliance or Production Support.
Reminder: Government Loans in LPA
Just a reminder that we are absolutely able to run Freddie Mac LPA on FHA or VA loans – but it will run ineligible. This is acceptable for government loans!
25 Points
September 15, 2022
Good News! We are officially live with both Fannie and Freddie for all the different appraisal options AND we have negotiated with Clear Capital to match our full appraisal pricing for the Full Hybrid reports.
Please remember to run both AUS and look for your appraisal offering – even on TBDs, you will get notice of a desktop or Hybrid options.
These Hybrid options are pilot programs to help reduce turn times and allow appraisers to stay home and do more reports
We encourage you to run both DU and LPA to ensure you are offering the best appraisal option, the smartest qualifying documentation, and the most competitive interest rates.
We recently announced a conventional buy-down option – the full newsflash is attached for your reference.
We are thrilled to announce 500-579 FICOs are now eligible for FHA and VA Financing with Approve/Eligible AUS Findings (no manual downgrades)! Terms are limited to 360 months only. First-Time Homebuyers will require a Homebuyer Education Cert and all buyers will require a satisfactory 12-month VOR/VOM. Find attached our updated VA and FHA Fixed Matrices for further details.
Effective immediately: PenFed has been suspended as a Jumbo outlet. PenFed is working through some operational changes. During their operational changes, we have decided to suspend them as an outlet. We will continue to monitor their ops changes and advise once we feel their service levels and pricing have returned to an acceptable level.
Effective immediately, US Bank has lowered their maximum LTV to 80%.
On September 12, we received news that GoPointDirect abruptly closed their doors. There has not been any indication from GoPointDirect that they will fund the loans that remain in their pipeline. From what we have heard elsewhere, it doesn’t sound like they will be following through on loan commitments already in process. If we hear from GoPointDirect or any other industry chatter, we will make sure to communicate that to you.
The non-QM market has remained rather volatile as rates continue to move higher. Liquidity remains a major issue in this space as investors have moved to safer assets. We continue to see non-QM outlets tighten their credit box as a risk off approach enters this space.
We remain committed to providing you all with as many products as we can in the non-QM space and will search for other outlets if any gaps arise from consolidations or industry exits.
As a reminder, QC Reviews are no longer completed at initial underwrite and are handled as follows:
Regular Reviews – 10% Requirements
Discretionary Reviews – MCRs / Manual UWs
Please ensure loans selected for pre-closing QC review are resubmitted ahead of the closing date for final review to avoid any delays in meeting the contract date.
Due to an increase in appraisal charges, we are increasing the escrow holdback fee to $200, effective immediately.
Agency Updates
Personal Gifts: Per Selling Guide Announcement SEL-2022-08 (attached), Fannie Mae has expanded the list of acceptable donors for Personal Gift Funds to include a non-relative that shares a familial relationship with the borrower, specifically a former relative, relative of domestic partner, and godparent. This update has impacted section B3-4.3-04, Personal Gifts, of the Selling Guide.
Gift Funds: Freddie Mac is also expanding on gift fund and gift letter requirements as a means of reaching for First-Time Homebuyers. As such, they are updating their requirements to allow graduations gifts from both related and unrelated persons for the purchase of a Primary Residence. See attached Bulletin 2022-18 for further information on documentation requirements.
In addition to this expansion, Freddie has updated their requirements to allow gift letters to state the MAXIMUM amount of the gift funds or gift of equity OR the actual amount. This will eliminate the need to obtain a corrected gift letter should the actual amount of the gift be less than the amount stated on the gift letter.
1099 Employment/Income: Freddie Mac is providing more detailed guidance on income received on IRS Form 1099. Attached Bulletin 2022-18 outlines a summary of the existing and updated requirements surrounding this income type.
Rural Development Fee Structure for Fiscal Year 2023: The fees for the coming year have remained unchanged at 1% upfront guarantee fee and .35% annual fee for both purchase and refinance transactions. See also Fiscal Year 2023 Conditional Commitment Notice ( regarding yearly lapse in funding. The lapse will have no effect on our loan flow or procedures.
Upcoming Events and Reminders
If you need an invitation to one of the Zoom meetings, please respond to this message.
Property Taxes – Important!
We are approaching the months of the year where property taxes are coming due. This is important for us when structuring our LEs and cash to close on files. Many title companies and attorneys’ offices will begin using the estimates for what is due to establish tax proration credits, and we will also need to account for this in our escrow account set-up as well, which in turn effects the final monthly payment we use for qualification.
Please be sure that you are reviewing the most up-to-date estimates in your locality. Also be reminded that in situations where taxes or CDDs are paid for the year in advance, there is a considerable reimbursement due from our Borrowers to the Sellers on purchase transactions. This often times grossly increases cash to close over what we may have estimated – please review your LEs and escrow account set-ups carefully and make sure that your borrowers have the most accurate information up front.
Reminder: Tax Proration Credits
We have completed the research in all agencies as to when the Tax Proration can show on the URLA and run through the AUS:
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August 15, 2022
We are a GO people! Reverse mortgages are now available in-house and will be proceeding as a Principal Agent. We have completed these transactions in the past but our new set up is different than before and as a result, everyone will be required to go through a refresher with our reverse team before access to Reverse Vision will be granted. Details are attached. Reach out to a member of the Reverse Team: Sophie Morales (, Adam Wilson (, Kristine Kuss ( or Production Support should you need additional assistance.
We are pleased to offer another Retail solution for the Bank Statement loans through Bayview. These loans will be a hybrid process for underwriting and closing where Bayview will do the underwrite and VDM will handle the closing. Offering another Retail option will provide more pricing and guidelines options to our borrowers.
Any questions can be directed to Please refer to the attached Pricing Guide for tips on pricing these loans in OB. A new Process Flow for Bank Statement loans is attached as well, along with NewRez and Bayview program overviews.
We are excited to offer 2/1 FHA buydowns effective today, 8/15/22. A 2/1 buydown is going to reduce a borrower’s interest rate 2% in the first year, 1% in the second year, and then the note rate the following 28 years. We will be offering both lender and seller funded buydown options. Buydown matrix is attached for your reference.
In Encompass, you can select the “FHA 30 Year Fixed 2/1 Buydown” loan program. Upon selection of this loan program, the buydown information will automatically be input to the loan.
On the Reg-Z CD form within Encompass, you can click the Buydown Disbursement button to see the full details and determine the buydown amount that will need to be collected.
We are pleased to announce the addition of Alex Green to the Production Support team! Alex has experience in VanDyk’s underwriting division as both a Jr Underwriter and a Condo Review Specialist, and we are delighted that he has joined the Production Support team. Please be sure to email or complete a support ticket should you need assistance. The Production Support menu of services and other details is attached.
Our Self-Employment Income Support Team is now reviewing/calculating rental income! Feel free to submit your file for review for your borrowers with rental income. Attached is a reminder on process flow and required documentation.
The wet signed SSA form has been removed from the initial disclosure pack in SimpleNexus as it can now be e-Signed. You can also request the SSA form be eSigned as a one-off document if you need to validate a SSN and do not have a wet signed SSA form. Please reach out to with questions.
Effective immediately, UDM will be required for all files with a DTI of 40% or higher. Due to audit results where undisclosed debts were present, DataVerify is requiring a revision to our UDM policy. Any new fraud report pulled today where the DTI is 40% or higher, UDM will automatically be turned on. We will accept a soft pull in leu of a UDM report (sometimes there is an issue with the UDM request vs. ECD time frame). Contact Production Support for assistance with soft pulls if needed.
An updated Loan Comparison Tool has been added to Encompass to assist in tracking changes in a loan file. This tool compares current loan data to data sent on the last set of disclosures. Any discrepancies in the tracked data will trigger the below alerts in encompass. The alerts will clear once a new LE or CD is sent on the file.
In addition to the LCT alerts, we would also like to highlight the ATR/QM alerts. These alerts MUST be resolved prior to closing and typically require additional lender/seller credits or a pricing adjustment to resolve.
With the implementation of the Disclosure Automation (Disclosure Desk – VDMC) and the Loan Comparison Tool, we will be moving toward branch generated initial disclosures in the coming weeks. This workflow will allow branches to issue their own initials disclosures quickly and easily without a required second compliance review on each file.
Due to industry changes and product demands, we have revised how we are managing the broker process at VanDyk mortgage. These changes will go into effect for loans approved to broker on or after September 1st – watch your email for training invitations coming soon!
Update: Lightning Closings
The Lightning Closing workflow has been a huge success! We have seen an increase in closing efficiencies, a decrease in turn times, and have received rave reviews for all parties involved. Below are some changes and reminders to help keep this workflow running smoothly.
In-House | Non-Delegated | Broker | |
Disclosures | VanDyk Mortgage | VanDyk Mortgage | Broker |
Underwriting | VanDyk Mortgage | Investor | Broker |
Closing | VanDyk Mortgage | VanDyk Mortgage | Broker |
Highlight(s) from the Fannie Mae Selling Guide Update SEL-2022-07 (08/03/2022): Final Verbal Verification of Employment Alternative
Our current policy requires a verbal verification of employment (verbal VOE), written verification, or a third-party verification report within 10 business days prior to closing to verify employment for borrowers who are not self-employed.
We updated the Selling Guide to add an alternative to satisfy the verbal VOE requirement for non-DU validation service loans. With this updated requirement, the lender
Effective: Lenders may begin using this verbal VOE alternative immediately. DU will be updated the weekend of Aug. 20, 2022, to support this policy change.
Highlight from the Freddie Mac Bulletin 2022-16: Selling (08/03/2022): AIM Income Offerings – Partial Income Representation and Warranty Relief
Partial income representation and warranty relief (formerly referred to as source level representation and warranty relief) is granted when multiple income sources are submitted through Loan Product Advisor and one or more of the income sources receive income representation and warranty relief, but additional sources of income are required. In these instances, the income that is not granted representation and warranty relief must be documented in accordance with the Guide.
With these changes:
Each income source will still be considered for representation and warranty relief eligibility through Loan Product Advisor as it is today.
VA has issued CIRC 26-22-13 allowing for Alternative Valuation Methods, Exterior-Only and Desktop Appraisals, for PURCHASE transactions where all of the following are true:
Attached are also Exhibits A & B outlining the Appraisal Assignment Waterfall and Appraisal Report Supplemental Information.
VA Manufactured – We are lifting our overlay on Singlewide Manufactured Homes. Attached is the updated VA Fixed Rate Matrix removing singlewides as ineligible.
Introducing Total Expert at VanDyk Mortgage, a CRM system to create growth and loyalty for Loan Officers.
Total Expert offers the industry’s only platform with CRM and marketing built together from the ground up. Design and deliver a better customer experience from the first contact and increase overall production by an average of 20%.
With Total Expert, you can create and deploy campaigns in multiple channels-including print, direct mail, social, SMS, and email marketing to meet consumers in the channel that they prefer. Total Expert will have integration points with the rest of the technology stack including Encompass, Optimal Blue, and SimpleNexus to drive hyper-personalized marketing efforts.
The implementation work has started – you can anticipate a roll-out of the tool in Q4 of this year. More detailed information on timelines will be available soon.
If you need an invitation to one of the Zoom meetings, please respond to this message.
35th Anniversary Events
Joint Applications – Reminders/Updates
As a reminder, unmarried borrowers may be on a joint application in Encompass (unless it is a VA). Joint borrowers need a joint credit report for AUS to run.
Please keep in mind – if we have a multiple borrower file, the “joint” pair should be reserved for spouses/couples/partners. (Example: if a married couple is signing with their child, the child should not be joint with one of the parents.)
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Reminder: Suggestion Box
Do you have an idea to improve our workflow, or a change in Encompass that you would like to see and will also help your colleagues? We want to hear from you!
The Suggestions Inbox is LIVE and available to everyone at
Please submit your ideas! Suggestions are reviewed weekly by management and we are looking for suggestions with 5 or more votes. Any suggestion implemented as a business improvement that was upvoted by peers or accepted by management will win a $50 gift card.
25 Points