Lending Announcement: August 19, 2021

Topics in the Announcement

August 19, 2021

  • Jumbo Loans

We have been working to secure Investor outlets for Jumbo loans over the past several months. In April we launched Truist, and since then we have received approvals to sell loans to Chase and Pentagon Federal Credit Union (PenFed). Both Chase and PenFed are priced much more competitively than Truist and will allow us to gain more of the non-conforming market. Beginning today (8/19), you will be able to price loans within CPPE to these Investors. Prior to locking we will require UW approval. As a best practice, once you have a loan identified for either Chase or PenFed please send that loan to JumboLoanReview@vandykmortgage.com, and the UW Team assigned to these loans will review and let you know the minimum documentation that will be needed to review for lock approval. We can underwrite these loans as TBD files and encourage you to submit them prior to origination when possible. We have applications with other Investors pending approval and you will see additional outlets for the Jumbo loans in the coming months.

A few important notes –



  • The Chase jumbo product is a manual review and application of Chase’s credit guidelines. Chase only approves a very particular credit profile and this is where we have seen seemingly excellent applications not qualify.
  • Due to Chase’s requirements, we will be looking for the following minimum documentation to approve a lock:
    • Credit report for all borrowers
    • Income documentation, including Loan Beam for SE borrowers
    • Assets or as accurately added to Encompass
  • Eligibility matrix for the Chase Non-Agency Jumbo product is attached. Please note there are several state-specific restrictions you will want to make sure you apply. We will publish full investor guidelines for Chase as soon as we have companywide access with AllRegs.



  • PenFed uses DU as for credit review. You should run DU on all your jumbo files so you will know if PenFed is also an option. You will be looking for Approve/Ineligible findings, and you should specifically review to make sure the Ineligible is due to loan amount and nothing else.
  • PenFed is currently a non-delegated underwrite which requires a pre-funding review and turn times are currently 4- 5 days. We expect to be full delegated with PenFed by end of September. Certain documentation is required in the file before we can send to PenFed, they are:
    • DU findings
    • Credit report for all borrowers
    • Income documentation, including Loan Beam for SE borrowers
    • Assets or as accurately added to Encompass
  • Eligibility matrix for the PenFed Correspondent product is attached. Full guidelines may be accessed by creating an account here: PenFed Correspondent Guidelines


  • Brokered Loan Process

As a reminder: beginning September 1, newly originated brokered loans will all be processed by our in-house brokered loan specialist. Megan Crowley and Maryann Stanco have been working diligently on a file flow that will maintain transparency while delivering great service and insuring VDM compliance standards. A detailed overview of the process is attached. We will have a training call on Friday, 8/27 to go over the full process. We will also provide an overview of our current broker partners and who does what. Watch your inbox for the invitation!


  • Credit Report Pull Requirements

There are some important changes being made in Encompass that will allow us as a company to forecast better, improve conversion, and evaluate ROI so that we can make ensure we have the best resources available to you.

Going forward there will be three mandatory fields in Encompass that will be required to complete before the system will allow you to pull credit.

  • Lead Status 
    • The lead status field is used to execute our hot, cold and refinance campaigns.  LOs and Branches utilizing these campaigns have seen a marked improvement in conversion over the years.
    • The hot campaign is designed to help you stay in front of the borrower while they are in the home shopping process.
    • The Cold campaign is used in the event that our answer is a “not now” and as a Mortgage professional have counseled them on the necessary steps to be able to get approved for financing down the road.
    • The great thing about both of these campaigns is that while they are automated, there are alerts you can set up in TOM to remind you to make contact beyond the passive emails.  They even include suggested scripts.  You can also access the parts of the hot/cold campaigns that have alerts in the dashboard of your TOM account.
  • Lead Category
    • By filling out the lead Category field we will be able to better track ROI on your marketing efforts.  Leads you buy, leads from company website, sales boomerang, your networking groups and so much more.  You will be able to get a quick look at where your business is primarily coming from at a quick glance.  Your RMs will be able to work with you during your monthly 1-2-1s to help you analyze this data and make sure we are keying in on the top sources of your business.
  • Purpose of Loan
    • These fields identify whether a borrower is a purchase, refinance etc.
    • By filling out these fields we are better able to forecast our business and make sure that we have the resources available to process, underwrite and close your loans.
    • We have learned over the past 18 months that each loan type has a different conversion percentage as well as a different length of time to close.
    • We will use this data to be able to forecast more precisely.

As we have shared with you before our vision is to create a mortgage company that everyone wants to work at.  That vision has no finish line so we are always looking for ways to improve processes, resources, and systems that will continue to help you grow your business.


  • Freddie Mac Refi Possible: Coming Soon

Freddie Mac’s no-cash out offering for low-income Borrowers will be available on submissions to LPA on or after 8/30/21. Please see attached matrix and bulletin for more information.



Technology Update: Encompass Enhancements!

Updates to Previous Enhancements:


  • We have added the ability to assign a person to the file that does not fit into a specific milestone role.  Go to File Contacts and assign them under General Assistant. Then that user will be available to choose to email in Notes.
  • Your email signature now is added to the outbound emails so you can email borrowers from Notes as well. Be sure your preferred signature is listed first in your Outlook settings, as this is the signature Notes pulls to email from. If necessary, you may need to rename your preferred signature with an “A” or “1” to get it to be listed first.
  • When emailing internal departments like closing and underwriting please add the loan number to the subject line for easy identification.

USPS Address Validation

  • No longer brings over the extra 4 digits in the ZIP code – this resolve issues with the pricing engine.


New Features

  • Loan Information bars:  We have installed a new panel which allows quick access to information, the loan timeline, and forms bar based on persona.  You can open and close these bars by the carat in the top left corner of Encompass.
  • Menu tab for VanDyk:  In the top left of Encompass is a green VanDyk tab for quick access to other resources we use daily.
  • Sandbox: 

Entering a loan in the Sandbox mode deactivates the ‘Save’ functionality and allows users to perform actions in Encompass that do not require saving. Users are able to make changes to the loan and work scenarios without having to worry about permanently changing the current structure of the loan.

Finding the Sandbox tool

First, locate your loan in the Pipeline view. Then, you can enter Sandbox Mode in one of the following ways:

  1. Right-click the file and choose Enter Loan in Sandbox Mode OR
  2. With the Loan selected in the pipeline, click the Pipeline menu at the top and choose Enter Loan in Sandbox Mode.

A confirmation message will be displayed once the loan has been entered while using the Sandbox Mode. The Save Icon is Disabled while in Sandbox Mode.

 Note: Opening the loan in the Sandbox Mode will remove the User’s ability order Services from within Encompass. In addition, Users will not be able to add/remove documents from the eFolder.

How are your emails being received?

Our industry has been incredibly busy over the last year (and then some), and we’re all feeling the pressure. Don’t forget: we are all on the same team!
Take a moment to review your emails before sending them. Think about the tone in which you’re writing – will it be received the way you intend?

For more helpful hints, take a moment to review this article from Psychology Today: Don’t Type at Me Like That! Email and Emotions. See also the attachment: Email Etiquette and Tips.

Voluntary Flood Insurance: Cannot Be Escrowed

A property must be in a flood zone for flood insurance to be included in escrows.

We cannot escrow for flood insurance that was purchased voluntarily by the borrower – it must be paid by the borrower directly.

Hazard Insurance Effective Dates: Must be within Same Month as Closing

HOI effective dates need to be within 10 days of the closing date, except if the Closing Date pushes into the next month.

The HOI policy will have to be updated so the effective date falls within the same month of closing, regardless of the number of days between from the closing date.


August 2021 Lending Announcement

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Lending Announcement: July 9, 2021


Topics in the Announcement

July 9, 2021


  • COVID-19 Guidance: Updated!

Please see COVID-19 Guidelines and Product Updates attachment for revised guidance. Highlights include:

  • Lifting of minimum score requirement of 640 for FHA manual underwrites
    • Reminder: VDM does not offer manual underwriting for Conventional loans
  • Removal of FHA DTI restrictions for credit scores under 640 with AUS Approve/Eligible
  • Verbal VOE requirements: clarification that these may be completed within 10 days of closing (20 days for self-employed borrowers)
    • As a reminder: for self-employed borrowers, we will still need to verify that the business is open and active. LARA printouts will not suffice; invoices, verification via phone from someone at the business other than the borrower, etc. must be used to confirm the business is operating currently.


  • Update: Minimum Standards for Submission to UW

As discussed in previous Processing Roundtables, we are updating our UW minimum submission requirements. The updates include the following now required documents, for UW submissions (including TBDs), as of 8/1:

  • URLA replacing 1003
  • Photo ID and SSN documentation for all borrowers
  • Patriot Act Information Form completed by LO or LP
  • Credit Report valid through ECD for active purchase and refinance transactions
  • Non-Borrowing Spouse Credit Report as applicable for loans in Community Property States
  • CAIVRS on all government loans
  • Manual Underwrite checklists completed and included with submissions


  • HOI Order/Reverification Form Updates

In order to insure a smooth transition from Origination/Closing to Servicing, we need to collect and re-verify insurance company payment information for future HOI payments, including phone numbers, fax numbers and payment remittance addresses. We need to have this information on file to aid account set-up with our servicing operations and prevent missed renewal payments as we grow our servicing portfolio.


We have added the information request to our insurance order forms and additional fields on the re-verification forms. We are looking for the processing teams to confirm with the insurance agents the payment info for the companies the new policies are written with. The following forms in Encompass have been updated to reflect this additional information: HOI Insurance Order Form, HOI Insurance Order Form (FL Bond), HOI Final Verification Form.


  • eClosings Information

We get a lot of questions and inquiries about eClosings.  There are now four basic versions of eClosings. Each type is distinguished by which closing documents are electronically signed and the type of notarization used. Please see the PDF attachment titled “eClosings” for a full summary of these options.

ICE (Encompass) just released their Hybrid eClose platform through Consumer Connect. We have signed up and are testing the system currently, and should be able to allow borrowers to sign all NON-notarized documents electronically by August.


  • Removal of Closing Cost Templates

Closing Cost templates will be removed in the coming weeks and replaced with updated Dynamic Data Management (DDM) fee rules. These expanded DDM rules now include most of the itemization (title fees, surveys, pest inspections, etc.)  and will mimic the functionality of Closing Cost templates but will allow for greater customization of fees and easier maintenance. Once this change is made only the “Generic” closing cost templates will be available for use.


Attached is a spreadsheet of all the allowable fees for the templates. If you would like a custom fee rules created for your branch or would like to duplicate an existing Closing Cost template, please complete the spreadsheet and return to Ryan VanDyk at rvandyk@vandykmortgage.com.


  • Homeowner Education Update

Effective immediately, VDM will no longer accept MGIC’s homeownership course. Homebuyer courses provided by MGIC do not fulfill pre-purchase education requirements.


  • Brokered File Support

As mentioned in last month’s announcement, Maryann Stanco has come onboard as a member of our Production Support team. Immediately, you can contact Production Support with any questions regarding your brokered files.

In order to ensure better quality and compliance, we will require all Brokered loans to go through a centralized channel within VDM. Beginning 9/1, all registrations and locks for Brokered loans will be handled by Secondary, and all processing of brokered files will be handled by Maryann. Further details for procedures will be published in the August announcement.


  • Spanish Translations: LE, CD, URLA & Buyers Guide

Spanish translations of common mortgage documents can now be found in the custom forms within Encompass. Since Encompass does not fully support Spanish disclosures, these documents will not replace any of the disclosures found in our standard English disclosure packages, but should be used as supplemental documentation when an application is taken in Spanish.

The 3 documents are:

  1. Spanish LE and CD
  2. Spanish Step by Step Mortgage Guide
  3. Spanish URLA Borrower Info


Providing these disclosures is optional (in most states) but encouraged whenever they will offer additional understanding to the borrower. However, in CA, OR, DC, or TX if you are taking applications and/or negotiating terms of the loan in Spanish all 3 of these disclosures required to be provided to the borrower at initial disclosure.


We are working to have these Spanish translations documents automatically populate when the Spanish App checkbox on LE Page 0 is checked within Encompass, but until this automation is complete it will be the LOs responsibility to provide these documents when needed.


  • Floify Disclosure Update

In the Floify “Disclosures” tab, you will notice a new action icon that will allow you to resend the disclosures email to any parties who have not yet signed their disclosures – even a non-borrowing spouse. This will help when borrowers report not receiving the email (or accidentally deleting it). As a reminder: for a non-borrowing spouse, be sure the borrower has logged out of their Floify account prior to the NBS clicking the link to sign!


  • Technology Update: Encompass Enhancements! 

We are excited to share a few more Encompass enhancements that have been implemented.

  • Flood Certs: Flood will now automatically order once disclosures have been triggered on a loan.
  • ePrint: Now works on 2015 Itemization form.
  • Loan Folder Auto Move: This feature will automatically move loans into the correct folder – you will receive a notification when any of the below move rules are triggered:
From Folder: To Folder: On Action:
Prospect My Pipeline Disclosures Triggered
Active TBD My Pipeline Disclosures Triggered
My Pipeline Active TBD Purchase & address is TBD (No refis in this folder)
My Pipeline New Construction Field CX.NEWCONSTRUCTION is checked and ECD is greater than 60 days
Prospect Pending adverse Current Status is not active loan
Active TBD Pending adverse Current Status is not active loan
New Construction Pending adverse Current Status is not active loan
My Pipeline Pending adverse Current Status is not active loan
My Pipeline Closed loans Warehousing Milestone is finished
Any folder Bond 2nd A is added to loan number


  • Knock Knock: If someone is currently working in a file that you need access to, Knock Knock allows you to send a message to the user who is currently editing the file. From the Pipeline view, right-click on the loan in use and select Knock Knock:

The current user in the file will receive a pop-up message letting them know that someone else needs access to the loan. A message will also be emailed to them in Outlook.

The user may choose one of the pre-set responses and add additional notes if needed. (If they are currently away from their desk and no response is received, the system will automatically close the loan after 15 minutes.)



The user requesting access will receive the selected response back.


Once the file is free, the requesting user will receive a pop-up letting them know the file is available to be open.


  • Notes for Encompass: We are upgrading our conversation log!  Notes is accessible anywhere in the file, can stay open while you work in the file, and you can access it from the pipeline view without having to open the file.

You can locate the Notes tab on the right side of your Encompass file. Or, from the Pipeline tab, you can access and create notes without opening the file. Right click on the loan and choose Notes.

Notes will stay open until you click on the Notes tab on the right to collapse it.

Notes has many features. You can Add, Find and Share conversation log entries quickly, copy/paste from any text source, set Alerts for yourself or anyone else, capture your thoughts as they hit you, add to and edit your note before publishing, and easily compare existing notes to current loan data.

Notes writes your message directly to the Encompass Conversation Log as a separate entry.


Notes also appends the following choices to the bottom of the message: Category, SubCategory, To, CC, Subject and Alert.  This allows for easier searching through previous Notes (Conversation Log Entries). However, the Keyword Search will find any note in the Conversation Log that contains the search text.

You can send an email to any person assigned to the file (new – branch managers and Regionals will be auto assigned to files starting 7/9/21). Please add a “Subject” to the loan note to ensure Outlook delivery.

Note: DO NOT email borrowers and other Non-VanDyk Mortgage employees through Notes (or any conversation log) because the required contact and NMLS information does not get added.




Occupancy Type – Why It Matters

Are you aware of the risks associated with loans with an inaccurate occupancy status?

Read Fannie Mae’s Reverification of Occupancy bulletin about the risks of misrepresenting occupancy, along with tips in identifying red flags regarding occupancy status.

Lending Announcement: June 17, 2021

Topics in the Announcement

June 17, 2021 

  • Lending Department Special Memo

We have had some exciting changes in the Lending Department over the second quarter! We are excited to update you on several additions to our management team and structure of the department. The special memo attached reviews our new managers and team updates!


  • New QM Rule: Effective July 1, 2021

Loan with application dates on/after July 1, 2021 will be subject to the revised General QM Rule. The new rule will sunset the 43% DTI limitation and GSE QM patch and will emphasize overall loan cost instead. The revised General QM Rule requires us to take a closer look at APR and loan balance and will be fully integrated into the MAVENT compliance engine and the ATR/QM tools in Encompass. We do not foresee any major interruption with business operations or changes to our workflow.


  • Coming July 1: TBD Underwrites for All Loan Types!

As of June 1, we brought back TBD underwrites for manually underwritten government loans, and loans using income from self-employed borrowers. Starting July 1, we will accept TBD submissions for all loan types.


  • VA Funding Fee: New Automation in Place

Encompass will now automatically update the VA Funding Fee based on the current loan data. The Funding Fee will adjust automatically upon saving the file based on the LTV, Loan Type (Purchase, Refi, or IRRRL), and First Time Use Status. Please see the attached VA Funding Fee Automation Memo for more details and a how-to.  Note: This will impact all VA files created on or after 6/17/21.


  • New Product: Fannie Mae RefiNow

Fannie Mae has introduced a new no-cash out refinance option for low income borrowers. RefiNow is available to borrowers with current income at or below 80% of the AMI, whose current mortgage is backed by Fannie on one-unit, primary residences. With this program, Fannie will provide a $500 credit to the lender if an appraisal was obtained, which gets passed to the borrower. In addition, the 50 bps up-front adverse market refi fee is waived.

Full borrower and loan eligibility details are available in the attached Lender Letter, fact sheet, and at Fannie Mae’s website. Also attached is the VanDyk RefiNow Matrix.

In Compass PPE, you will need to select “RefiNow” under Special Products on the scenario page when pricing your loan. CPPE will not automatically pick up that your loan is RefiNow eligible. Selecting RefiNow as the Special Product will force CPPE to only price the RefiNow product.

Note: Freddie Mac has a similar product coming later this summer (Refi Possible). We will pass along more details in a future Lending Announcement.


  • EMD/Other Credits: Reminders

The updated EMD and Additional Credits workflow is being expanded to the Prospects and TBD folders. This change may impact your existing Earnest Money Deposits and Additional Credits currently listed on Borrower Summary – 2021, Itemization, and URLA – Lender Forms.

Please double check that your credits are accurate prior to requesting disclosures.



  • Technology Update: Encompass Enhancements!

Encompass is here to stay!  A couple years ago, we had decided to move away from Encompass and go to BlackKnight’s Empower LOS.  Our decision was based on the turmoil Ellie Mae was going through at the time and the lack of focus on the needed infrastructure improvements.  Since then, ICE Mortgage Technologies has purchased Encompass and we see renewed energy in in making the necessary improvements.  We have decided to stay with Encompass and shift our focus on making Encompass the best it can be.

The rest of this year, you will see enhancements to our platform – some subtle, some not so subtle – but all to improve our overall integrity, ease of use, and efficiencies in the system.


This week you may have noticed these changes:

  • Home Counselor Plugin – This is not something you will see, but this automatically runs instead of Compliance having to manually run.
    1. Upon entering the borrower’s current address, this plugin will auto-populate the Home Counseling Providers list for disclosure.


  • ePrint – All users will see an ePrint icon near the eFolder icon. This will print a screenshot of the input form currently being viewed in the borrower file, excluding the 2015 Itemization (we are working on this one). Users can designate how the document is named and placed in the eFolder.
  • eFolder Magnifying Glass – A magnifying glass was added to the eFolder to assist in locating specific document and condition names, instead of having to scroll through the list:


  • History FX Plugin – As you work in Encompass and click thru Forms and Tools, a list will be created under the History FX tab. You can use this list to quickly navigate between common forms and tools you have been visiting. You can also use the arrows to go back and forth between the forms recently visited:


  • FEMA Look Up – This tool automatically pulls FEMA Disaster Declarations from the FEMA website using the Subject Property State and County. It records all relevant disaster declarations from the past year to the loan file.  It will put the report in the eFolder:


  • USPS Look Up – All you need to do is make sure the Subject Property Address is filled out (the ZIP code isn’t even required), click the USPS button or go to the “LTK – USPS Validation” form, and click the “Verify Address” button. This will verify the address with USPS. If you click the “Yes” button in the popup, it will automatically update the Subject Property Address with the valid address USPS uses. Then the report will be placed in the eFolder.  As a reminder, please do not abbreviate the City name in any way.

We have a lot more ideas and projects coming.  If you have any suggestions or if you want to be part of a committee on the consumer portal, LO Connect, origination workflow, or processing workflow, please email Jeanie Nivison.


June 2021 Lending Announcement

15 Points

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Lending Announcement: May 20, 2021

Topics in the Announcement

  May 20, 2021

  • Non-Owner-Occupied and Second Home Conventional Fixed Rate Refinances Are Back!

Effective immediately, you may price and lock investment and second home refinance transactions, both rate/term and cash-out. Attached please find our revised FannieMae and FreddieMac Matrices.

  • TBD Underwrites Are Coming Back!

Starting on June 1st,  you may begin submitting TBD files for FHA, VA and USDA loans that require a manual underwrite, and for all loans using income from self-employed borrowers.

  • Appraisal Fees Increasing June 1, 2021

Recent comments and requests for fee increases by our appraisal panel led us to review the fees we offer Appraisers when sending out appraisal assignments. We compared our fees to VA (our initial pricing model), AMCs, and recent requests for increases and we found we were low and that we need to increase our fees to remain competitive.  Attached you will find the new fee chart for all orders placed after May 28, 2021 and assigned out June 1, 2021.

On the topic of appraisals, we wanted to pass along a helpful article that explains longer appraisal turn times and market conditions: Appraisal Turn Times: Can We Speed Them Up?


  • Fannie Mae – VOE/POA COVID Flexibilities Expired

Lender Letter LL-2021-03 attached states that flexibilities related to verbal VOEs and POA are no longer applicable for loan applications dated on or after May 1, 2021.  Standard Selling Guide guidelines now apply to these topics. You can find those guidelines here: VOEPOA


  • USDA: Updated Income Limits for 2021

The Fiscal Year 2021 income limits for Single-Family Housing Guaranteed Loan Program were published on May 12, 2021. GUS and the Income Eligibility calculator on the Eligibility Website have been updated with the new income limits.


  • Freddie Mac Change to Tax Proration Credits

Effective for settlement dates on or after August 5, 2021: We will no longer be able to use tax proration credits on the 1003 for qualification purposes, therefore they cannot be reflected in the credits on the Details of Transaction.  We will still be able to add these credits to the CD.  Full details are attached.


  • New Construction Indicators and Procedure Updates

Last month, we introduced a new loan folder called New Construction to help identify loans that will not be closing immediately. As a reminder, loans should remain in this folder until they are within 60 days of closing.

We have also added an indicator field to the Borrower Summary for you all to use (pictured below). This will help the Lending Teams identify which files in the pipeline are New Construction, and will also facilitate moving through the pipeline as purchase loans (on the occasions when the loan purpose is Refinance instead of Purchase).

We are also updating our requirements for Certificates of Occupancy and Final Inspections to be Prior to Funding items when the subject property is in a full new construction community (for example, homes built by Lennar, DR Horton, MI, etc.). It will be the branch’s responsibility to make sure that these items are received in time for funding and to notify the UW when they are uploaded for review.


May 2021 Lending Announcement

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Lending Announcement: April 16, 2021

Topics in the Announcement

  • Jumbo Non-Delegated Loans are Coming Soon!!

We will be rolling out non-delegated Jumbo loans through Truist (created through merger of BB&T and SunTrust) in the coming weeks – Loan Officers and Processors will need to complete training in order to get access to submit these loans to the investor for underwriting.

Truist’s Jumbo guidelines are available to review at https://www.stmpartners.com/Manual/cor/products/CKey.pdf  – please bookmark this site for easy access, as guidelines will change periodically.

Training session invitations and information will be distributed soon!


  • Floify E-Sign – Now Approved by DataVerify!

Tax transcript/4506C forms eSigned in Floify outside the initial disclosure package are now being accepted by DataVerify!  If you need a refresher, a how-to for adding Floify E-Sign docs is attached.


  • USDA Manufactured Housing Pilot Program – Additional States Available

USDA has expanded the program for existing manufactured homes. States included in the pilot are: Colorado, Iowa, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming. Please see the attached USDA Memo for eligibility conditions for this program.


  • North Carolina HFA – Coming May 3!

Starting Monday May 3rd  North Carolina Housing Finance Agency (NCHFA) loans can be originated. Please note, NCHFA requires that the LO is located in North Carolina – otherwise, they will have to refer the loan to an originator in NC.

Please see the NCHFA Launch attachment for additional information. Lock form is also attached. Additional resources and guidelines are available at https://www.nchfa.com/homeownership-partners/lenders/forms-and-resources


  • VDM to VDM Refinances

When refinancing a mortgage through VanDyk, the payoff must be dated within 10 days of closing. As a reminder, you can email ServiceMyLoan@vandykmortgage.com for payoff requests.

To roll escrows over to the new loan, the signed Escrow Rollover Agreement must be sent to the Servicing department with the payoff request.  When escrows are rolled over, any refund due to the borrower for their existing escrow account will be applied to their principal balance instead of refunded to them after closing.  The Escrow Rollover Agreement form can be printed from Encompass.


  • Property Address – Abbreviation Clarification

When entering property addresses, please do not abbreviate or shorten any city names.  It is acceptable to abbreviate street suffixes such as St, Ave, or Blvd.


  • Mercury AMS – System Updates

First, the Mercury product list has been updated to include “Est Value UNDER $750,000” and “Est Value OVER $750,000” for Conventional SFR and Conventional Condo options. The price list has been updated and is attached.

Second, Mercury is implementing a change that will affect email notifications on or after April 21, 2021. To protect borrower privacy, the name of the borrower will be replaced by the word “Borrower” in email notifications sent from the platform. In addition, if the email subject line contains the borrower’s name and the email body contains the loan number, the email subject line will be replaced with the subject property’s physical address.


  • New Mexico Housing – HOI Deductible

The Homeowners Insurance Deductible for NM Housing cannot exceed the lesser of 1% or $1000.


  • Cryptocurrency as an Asset

Cryptocurrency must be documented like any other market-based asset, and is acceptable for use as an asset with Conventional financing. AccountChek is the best option to document these accounts whenever possible.


  • URLATeam Inbox Retiring 5/1

Starting May 1, any emails sent to URLATeam@vandykmortgage.com will automatically forward to the Production Support mailbox. We appreciate all the questions and feedback we received in March and April!


VA Refinances – Initial Disclosures

As a reminder on VA refinances, information must be completed prior to the initial disclosures being requested.

The Cash Out Refinance Tab needs to be filled out with the existing loan and proposed loan figures as well as the selection of one or more benefits.

Estimated figures are allowed for the initial disclosure but must be finalized for the closing package.

Also, the Qualification Tab will need previous loan info as well as:

  • If Loan Program is IRRRL the loan code (highlighted below in yellow) needs to indicate IRRRL as well.
  • The existing loan date is the date the borrower actually made the first payment, not when it was scheduled to be due by. UW will confirm this date.

Lending Announcement: March 18, 2021

Topics in the Announcement

March 18, 2021

  • Lien Searches on Free and Clear Properties

We can now help with your lien searches on free and clear properties.  To request a lien search, please email Production Support with the borrower name and loan number.


  • FHA Single-Unit Condominium Questionnaire

Attached is a copy of the new FHA Single-unit questionnaire.  It can be used immediately, but mandatory for case numbers assigned on or after May 17, 2021.   The attached Mortgagee Letter explains some of the changes to the form, however these changes do not alter any requirements found in the 4000.1.


  • URLA Update: Purchases with TBD Address

On Purchase files, TBD will be the default setting in the subject property address field. When you are ready to add the Subject Property Address, make sure the ECD is also updated for the data to save. You can find the ECD on Borrower Summary – 2021. (If you do not enter an ECD, the address will revert to TBD.)


  • Unrequested Disclosures – Due per TRID Timing

The Origination Compliance Department needs loans due for initials and rate locks to be requested for disclosures in a timely manner, so going forward we are making the following procedural changes as a due date is approaching:

  • Day before due date:
    • Reminder email sent to branch requesting submission of LE 0/4 before the end of the day.
  • On Due Date:
    • If LE page 0/4 has NOT be submitted Compliance will work the file work the file and complete any missing data.
    • A proforma LE/CD will be sent to branch to review for any last-minute changes.
    • Approval of the Proforma is due by 2pm (in the LOs time zone), if no approval is received by 2pm the disclosure package will be sent to the borrower unapproved.
      • All missing/incomplete data will be disclosed as worst case if no response from the branch is received.
      • Revised Initial disclosures will be difficult to accommodate, revisions will need to be made via COC requested through LE page 4.
      • Files without an active eConsent will be sent via US Mail.
  • Denied/Withdrawn Files:
    • Please inform Compliance and Pipelines of denied or withdrawn files ASAP, so disclosures are not unnecessarily sent on files not moving forward.
  • Broker Files:
    • Broker files will be disclosed by the broker, however in order to verify compliance with TRID timing a copy of the Broker’s disclosure is required in the eFolder prior to the due date.


  • Chenoa Sales Training and Additional Information

If you missed the Chenoa Sales Training on 3/10, you can access the recording by clicking here (use Access Passcode: Chenoa1!). Please feel free to reach out to our Chenoa rep Cari Zwick with any questions about the program at 630-301-2222.  Or you can click this link to schedule a follow-up meeting with her: Cari’s Meeting Link.  Attached find Secondary’s memo regarding Chenoa locks and pricing, and a job aid for setting up subordinate financing.


  • URLA 2020: Common Errors and Job Aids

DU “Underwriting Checklist Errors” and LP “Partner Errors” can be double-clicked to see additional information about the error. Attached you’ll find a helpful hints PDF that also compiles the job aids that have been sent out. All URLA guides created by the URLA Team have been uploaded at urla.askvandyk.com (if you need access to AskVanDyk, email Production Support). Please continue emailing URLATeam@vandykmortgage.com with your questions!



Bond Loan Rushes

As a reminder, we cannot close bond loans as a rush.

Bond Cutoff is 10am EST 48 hours prior to the ECD.

Compliance Reminders

  1. Branch Fees – Make sure to SAVE!
    1. Remember your branch fees will populate in your file upon SAVE. When you first apply your Loan Templates you will see generic closing costs until you save your file and your specific branch fees will appear.
  1. Fee Overrides
    1. To accommodate any special circumstances, we have implemented Fee Overrides on LE page 0 which allow fees to be changed. Checking the box next to the corresponding fee will override the new DDM fee rules and allow you to save your file without fees reverting to their original amount. **Overriding the Processing, UW, and Application fees is limited to branch managers.

Fee overrides should be used sparingly. If your Branch’s fee rules are producing the desired fees, please reach out to Ryan VanDyk (rvandyk@vandykmortgage.com) for assistance.


  1. Appraisal Fee – Driven by Loan Data
    1. The new Appraisal Fee rule is dynamic based on loan data and will change the appraisal fee based on the following loan factors:
      1. Subject Property State
      2. Loan Type
      3. Property Type
      4. Property Occupancy
      5. # of Units
    2. Please Note – The appraisal fee will not populate correctly (if at all) until all the above factors are completed and the loan is saved.

March 2021 Lending Announcement

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Lending Announcement: February 24, 2021


Topics in the Announcement

  • URLA 2020 Goes Live Companywide the Weekend of 2/27

As of 12:01AM on Saturday, Feb 27, 2021, all new loans in Encompass will be started on the 2020 URLA form. Beginning with disclosures 3/1/21 or after, loans must be disclosed using the new form, and AUS will need re-run with the new application format. If you need assistance toggling to the 2020 URLA form please make sure you reach out to URLATeam@vandykmortgage.com for assistance.


  • Chenoa Fund Program is Coming Back

Chenoa Fund is a down payment assistance program whose mission is to increase nationwide affordable and sustainable homeownership, with a focus on creditworthy, low and moderate-income individuals.  Pricing for Chenoa will be available on March 2, 2021.   They offer three FHA programs along with FannieMae HomeReady and standard FannieMae Conventional.  A minimum credit score of 640 is required for all programs.  Sales training will be scheduled for the first week of March.   Their most recent Lending Guide is attached and information is also available at Chenoa Fund Down Payment Assistance Programs     https://Chenoafund.org


  • Renovation Lending

Effective with loan applications taken on or after March 1, 2021, Renovation Loans will only be available through one of our Broker Partners.  Currently offering Renovation Lending is AFR www.afrwholesale.com , Plaza Home Mortgage  www.plazahomemortgage.com and Michigan Mutual  https://Michiganmutual.com .


  • FHA Dual Purpose Condo Questionnaire – For Units in Approved FHA Projects and Single-Unit Approvals

Attached please find FHA’s dual purpose condo questionnaire.   This questionnaire replaces the questionnaire currently being used for units in projects currently approved by FHA.   For FHA approved projects, only Section 3 needs to be completed.  For FHA Single-Unit approvals, the entire form must be completed.   HUD-9991 Condo LL-SUA Questionnaire 1_30_2020.fillable


  • Citizenship Guidelines Revised

Our Citizenship Guidelines have been revised to reflect FHA is now also an acceptable source of financing for individuals accepted under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program (DACA). Citizenship Policy February 18, 2021


  • Jumbo Loans

Thank you to everyone inquiring about the status of the jumbo loan product as well as for leads on investors. We are very excited about a new hire starting in March who comes with non-conforming experience and once he is up and running with VDM and our systems, and trained on the investors and guidelines, we will announce the rollout of the new product. Our target date for announcing the new product will be with the April Lending Announcement – stay tuned for further details!


  • Fee Templates – DDM

The following fees are now governed by our new DDM Rules:

Branch Fees – Rule active through Closing

  1. Origination
  2. Processing
  3. Underwriting
  4. Application Fee

If a credit is need on branch fees, please request a lender credit be added rather than having the fee removed.  If your fees are incorrect, or you have a special circumstance, please contact Ryan Vandyk (rvandyk@vandykmortgage.com) for assistance.


Appraisal Fees – Rule active until Initial Disclosures are sent.

  1. Appraisal Fee è Changes with loan data (State, property type, loan amount, loan type, etc.)

**Please Note: The Appraisal Waiver Received? field (on LE page 0 & Borrower Summary – 2021) will override the appraisal fee rules when marked YES and allow fees to be removed and not re-populate upon save.

  1. Appraisal Re-inspection è Added on LE page 0 ($130 Fee will populate).
  2. Appraisal Rush Fee è Added on LE page 0 ($200 Fee will apply).

Other Lender Fees – Rules active until Initial Disclosures are sent.

  1. Credit Report Fee
  2. TX Attorney Fee > Based on Loan Purpose (TX only)
  3. Transfer Taxes (only select states)
  4. Condo Review Fee > Added if property type is “Condo”
  5. HUD Plate & Foundation Inspection > Added if property type is “Manufactured home”
  6. MCC Fee > Added if MCC is marked “Yes”
  7. Bond Fees (1st and 2nd) > Loan Program Specific

Reminder – These rules fire upon SAVE. These fees will remain editable by all parties but will revert back to their original value upon save if the rule is active. Please be sure to double check any fee changes after you have saved your file to prevent any issues, especially if you have not saved prior to exiting a file.

If your fees are incorrect or you have a special circumstance, please contact Ryan VanDyk (rvandyk@vandykmortgage.com) for assistance.


  • Non-Borrowing Parties/Spouses – Rescindable Transactions

As a Reminder: For Primary Refinances, all non-borrowing spouses and/or any non-borrowing party with ownership interest in the property (with the right to rescind) needs to sign the initials CD 3 days prior to closing as well as any redisclosed CDs prior to closing. This procedure only applies to rescindable refinances.

We have added automatic reminder emails to be sent on files that could potentially have a non-borrowing party on the loan. If you receive one of these reminders, please verify if your file will have an NBP/NBS and if needed provide their name, email, and eConsent (if eSigning) as early as possible to prevent any delays in disclosure.

Please also be sure to review your Title Reports as soon as they are available to identify any additional parties listed on title that may fall under this rule as well.

Below is how the NBS contact information should look inside of the file contacts for them to receive a CD when the borrower does. Only the highlighted data is required. Their DocuSign link will be sent to them in a separate email, even if they share the same email address as the borrower, please make sure the NBS is aware this will be coming to them.


  • Freddie Mac Home Possible Reduction in LTV

Effective for Mortgages with Settlement Dates on or after April 1, 2021 – Properties with 2-4 units have a maximum LTV of 85%.  Revised Matrix is attached. Freddie Mac Home Possible February 2021


  • New GUS Goes Live on March 1, 2021.  Be prepared.  Avoid closing delays!!

On Friday, February 26, 2021, the existing Guaranteed Underwriting System (GUS) is permanently retiring. The URLA changes and “New GUS” will become effective March 1, 2021. The current and new versions of GUS will not be in service simultaneously, it is essential to understand the processes and procedures involved throughout this changeover.

The most important takeaway is that your USDA loans will need resubmitted to New Gus on/after March 1 if a Conditional Commitment had not yet been issued by the Feb 26, 2021 deadline put in place by RD. If your loan was disclosed on the 2009 URLA it will need to be manually entered into the “New GUS” system, whereas loans originated on the 2020 URLA may be exported from Encompass and uploaded to “New GUS” much like before. This will have to be completed by the LO/TC/LP regardless of where the loan was at in the process if a Conditional Commitment was not issued by 2/26, and New GUS findings will need to be resubmitted to Underwriting so loans may be submitted to RD for a Conditional Commitment

Please contact Production Support if you have any questions. USDA NEW GUS HB-1-3555, Chapter 9


Lending Announcement: January 22, 2021

Topics in the Announcement

Non-Borrowing Spouses, must sign the initial CD for rescindable refinances:

For Primary Refinances, all non-borrowing spouses and/or any non-borrowing party with ownership interest in the property (with the right to rescind) needs to sign the initials CD 3 days prior to closing as well as any redisclosed CDs prior to closing. This procedure only applies to rescindable refinances.

Please ensure the non-borrowing spouse/parties name, email, and eConsent (if eSigning) is provided as early as possible to prevent any delays in disclosure.

Smart Fees & Transfer Taxes

To streamline the initial disclosure procedure across all states, the compliance team will begin relying on and disclosing the transfer figures that are pulled in by Smart Fees.  Compliance will continue to double check the figures are accurate, but will no longer convert the transfer tax figures to Encompass equations.

Most states will not notice any change in procedure, but those operating in Florida will see a difference in how the transfer taxes are mapped on lines 1203, 1204, and 1205.


  • 1203 = Empty
  • 1204 = Doc/Mortgage Stamps & Intangible Tax
  • 1205 = Transfer Deed Tax

Smart Fees:

  • 1203 = Intangible
  • 1204 = Empty
  • 1205 = Doc/Mortgage Stamps & Transfer Deed Tax
    • Who pays (buyer or seller) for the Transfer Deed Tax can be determined when running Smart Fees.


Dynamic Data Management (DDM)

DDM is an Encompass feature that allows us to pre-set loan data based on loan criteria.   It can also be used to update mortgage insurance data as loan factors change.

Branch Fees: We will be using DDM to pre-set the 800 level branch fees based on the User Organization Code (OrgID) assigned to each branch.

DDM rules function differently than the Business Rules we are used to in Encompass.  They do not instantly change data, but rather will only fire upon save, and rewrite data during the saving process.  When activated for the 800 level fees, those fees will be editable for the branches, but if altered from the original specified amount, the rule will overwrite any changes and return the fee to the original amount upon saving.  DDM rules can be overridden on a loan level, but will require management approval to do so.

The following fees will be governed by this rule once active:

  • Origination Fee
  • Processing Fee
  • Underwriting Fee

We will begin to roll this out in the coming weeks.

        Mortgage Insurance:

On Conventional loans, DDM will still allow the PMI premium to be edited by the branch, but will auto-populate the supporting data such as number of months needed, and the cancellation at 78%.  Government loans are being tested, and more information will be provided once available.

Manufactured Home Tags

New manufactured homes contain both interior and exterior labels.   Over time, either or both may be removed by the owners.   When missing, we must verify the information from a company called IBTS.  https://lvr2.ibts.org/#/LandingPage  Their website calls the document for the exterior plate a “Label Verification Letter” and the interior plate the “Data Plate/Performance Certificate.    If both are missing there will be two underwriting conditions.   The conditions in Encompass have been reworded to match what the documents are called on the IBTS website.  We hope this change will make it clear the document(s) required for the loan.

Floify E-sign

Floify provides an in-house e-signature solution supporting customized fields from both the borrower and lender side and beginning February 1, 2021, the Floify E-Sign solution will replace DocuSign as the available function for “one off” documents (letters of explanation, appraisal delivery, etc.) requiring any e-signature.

**NOTE** Initial Disclosures and Re-Disclosures will be issued by the VDM Compliance Team through the DocuSign extension we have connected with Floify.

Loan teams can create an e-signature request directly in the borrower’s loan flow very similar to how you do now.   The loan’s borrower(s) will be notified that there is a new e-signature request awaiting their attention, and the borrower(s) will be prompted to login to their Floify account, which will then identify their signature role.

Once an e-signature request has been completed by all recipients, the document will be delivered to the yellow pending bucket in the Floify loan flow to await final review and approval.  Once accepted you will need to take the additional step of pushing the e-signed document into Encompass, it will not automatically push.

Attached is a tutorial on how to install Floify E-sign and create one-off Floify E-sign requests: Floify eSign Updated Training 1.19.21   Following is the link to the Floify Help Center which also provides a tutorial – but you do have to login to access it.  Please reach out to Production Support for assistance or with any questions.    https://help.floify.com/hc/en-us/articles/360048246912-Floify-E-Sign-Tutorial

FHA Case Number and Appraisal Transfers

There is significant information needed both by us and the other lender to successfully complete a transfer of an FHA Case number and appraisal.  Attached is a new form that can be used to obtain a transfer from another lender to VanDyk.  Also attached are updated instructions for transfers both from and to VanDyk Mortgage. FHA Appraisal Transfer Instructions updated 1-21-21FHA Case Number Transfer from another lender

Freddie Mac Matrix LTV’s updated to mirror Freddie Mac maximums

Revised matrix is attached: Freddie Mac Fixed Rate and ARM Conventional Matrix January 21, 2021

2020 W2’s

Loans closing on or after 2/1/2021 require the 2020 W2 or the year-end paystub.  Applications taken after 1/31, the 2020 W2 will be required prior to closing.

FHA Streamline Refinance Max Mortgage Worksheet

Attached please find an updated FHA Streamline worksheet with an additional line added to allow inclusion of escrow shortage and late fees: FHA Streamline refinance Worksheet 1.21.21

Income Calculation Worksheet

Attached please find our Income worksheet that has been updated to reflect 2021: 2021 Income Calculation Worksheet


The updated Underwriting and Closing cutoff times are as follows:


  • Underwriting = Resubmitted by 4pm 4 business days prior to ECD.
  • Closing = Clear to Close by 8am 24 hours prior to your ECD.
    • Reminder, please be sure to have the following if close to cutoff:
      • Finals in the file (VOEs, HOI Re-verifications, etc).
      • No outstanding conditions
      • Schedule closing for afternoon on ECD if possible.


  • Underwriting = Resubmitted by 4pm 5 business days prior to your ECD.
  • Closing = Clear to Close by 8am 48 hours prior to your ECD.

Moving an ECD – Request must meet cutoff:

If your loan file does not meet the above cutoffs your ECD will be adjusted by the pipeline manager (Amber Workman) or the closing department. Once your file is CTC you can request your ECD to be moved up, however the new ECD must meet the above closing cutoff at the time the request is made. Closing needs a minimum of 24hrs to accurately work a file once CTC.  So even if your file is CTC, if your ECD is inaccurate and needs to be moved up, the request to do so must be submitted by 8am 24hrs (Purchase) to 48 hours (Refi/Bond/Reno) prior to your ECD to be accommodated.

Wet Signed Docs – Timing Requirements

As a reminder, we require all time sensitive documents (LEs, CDs, TX 12 Day notice, etc.) wet signed by the borrowers to be uploaded into the eFolder before the document timing restrictions take effect. Given the lack of tracking/validation with wet sign documents Closing/Compliance will rely upon the eFolder upload date for timing purposes.

Tax Return and Transcripts Cheat Sheet updated for 2021

Attached please find our updated Cheat Sheet with guidance on tax returns and transcripts required based on application and note dates: 2021 Tax Return and Transcripts Cheat Sheet January 2021

FHA to Permit DACA Status

Effective January 19, 2021 FHA is permitting individuals classified under the “Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals” program (DACA) with the USCIS and are legally permitted to work in the U.S. are eligible to apply for mortgages backed by the FHA.   See attached FHA Info #21-04: DACA SFH_FHA_INFO_21-04



USDA Asset Accounts

 Two months statements for all/any asset accounts are required for the borrower, as well as an non-borrowing household member for review of possible income.

Hazard Insurance – Proof of Payment

 Reminder – Proof of payment is required on all current HOI policies if the premium is not being collected on the CD.  If no proof of payment is available, the full premium will be collected on the CD at closing.

Also, if the current HOI policy is expiring before the first payment due, the new premium amount will need to be collected on the CD.

Fannie Mae HomeStyle Renovation Loan LTV’s reflected by Encompass

The LTV shown at the top of the page in Encompass and also on the Transmittal Summary are not calculated correctly by Encompass.  You must rely upon the LTV reflected by the AUS in determining the required PMI Coverage etc.

Bond Loans

Flood policies must be NFIP for bond loans.   Private flood policies are not acceptable.


MSHA requires a Declaration Page for hazard policies (and also evidence of payment as published in the December announcement).

Please also note, they are currently 45 days out on reviews.

January 2021 Lending Announcement

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Corporate Communications

Lending Announcement: December 17, 2020

Topics in the Announcement

  • USDA Launches AskUSDA

The AskUSDA Contact Center will serve as the “one front door” for phone, chat, and web inquiries.   AskUSDA by phone at (833) ONE-USDA with representatives available 9:00 am – 5:30pm EST weekdays.  The website https://ask.usda.gov/ is available 24/7 and includes live chat agents available 10:00am-6:00pm EST on weekdays.  Inquiries can also be sent via email at any time to askusda@usda.gov


  • Conforming Loan Limit Increases

As published by Corporate Communication on 11/24/2020, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac loan limits were increased to $548,250 for 2021.   Links are provided on the attached with full breakdown for every county in the US.   We will allow loans to close on or after December 21st utilizing the 2021 loan limits.  Locks will need to be valid through 1/1/2021. fannie mae 2020-41hsgml

FHA published their increased loan limits in ML 2020-41 attached.  Their new loan limits are effective for case numbers assigned on or after January 1, 2021. FHA 2021 Mortgage Limits 2020-41hsgml

  • MSHDA – (Michigan State Housing Development) Hazard Insurance payments

All closing packages must contain proof of payment for the first year’s premium of hazard insurance before the loan will be purchased by MSHDA.  Hazard premiums paid at closing on the CD must be sent to the insurance company and included in the CD with acceptable documentation listed below.

  • Policy stating premium amount paid in full
  • Canceled check, copy of front and back
  • Paid receipt from insurance agent or insurance company


  • VanDyk to VanDyk Refinance – Escrow Rollover Agreement

When closing a refinance of a mortgage currently serviced by VanDyk Mortgage where the borrower requests the escrows from the current loan be rolled over into the new loan, an Escrow Rollover Agreement must be signed by the borrower and provided to VanDyk Servicing Department along with the payoff request.   The form is in Encompass print menu, Custom Forms, and is titled VanDyk Mortgage (Escrow Rollover Agreement).  A sample copy is attached. Escrow Rollover Request from Encompass Print Menu

  • Refinances Accepted into Underwriting

Effective January 1, 2021: we will accept refinances into Underwriting regardless of lock status.

  • Closers Assigned at Approval and Clear to Close

To more evenly distribute the workload, the closing department will begin assigning closers in the Approval and Clear to Close Milestones, instead of Resubmittal.  There will be exceptions depending on state, file circumstances, or department capacity; however, most files will see closers assigned in these milestones.  This change will not impact closing turn times, cutoffs, or rush capacity.

  • Changing Homeowners Insurance after Closing

When discussing Homeowner Insurance options with your clients: if they are talking about changing insurances prior to 90 days from the due date, they will need to pay the new premium out of pocket. Then the old insurance carrier will send them their refund.  Any recasting of their payment will occur at the time of the normal annual impound analysis.


December 2020 Lending Announcement

15 Points

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Lending Announcement: November 19, 2020

Topics in the Announcement

  • Texas Attorney Submission Procedure Revised

Closing Department will now allow the submission of closing docs to the Texas attorney to take place at the Resubmittal Milestone if the following conditions are met:

  1. TRID has been cleared.
  2. Closer is Assigned.
  3. All required documentation is in the file (See attached TX Attorney Submission List).
  4. Closing Date and Loan Amount have been confirmed with all parties.
    1. Attorney Docs are Closing Date and Loan Amount sensitive.  Changes after initial submission will require re-submission and updated attorney docs, which may cause delays.


  • Texas and Arizona Bond programs now available

We are pleased to expand our bond programs to include Arizona Industrial Development Authority (AzIDA), and Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA).

Attached please find the Bond Program Lock Sheets for both programs.   Also attached are Bond Procedures that provide locking instructions, fee requirements , and a link to training.


  • URLA Video

Now that everyone has had a chance to look at the new 1003 that is coming the first quarter of 2021, here is a video giving you a glance of how it is going to look and react in Encompass.    https://seafile.vdmc.net/f/607e0ce2c831455cbe10/?dl=1


  • Transcript Cheat Sheet Revised

Information added that business tax returns are not required unless they have been amended.   Additionally, tax returns that are amended (personal or business) are not accepted after the application date. 2020 Tax Return and Transcripts Cheat Sheet REV NOV 2020


  • COVID-19 Guidance for Self-Employed Borrowers

Based on recent updates from the Agencies, we have revised our COVID-19 guidance for self-employed borrowers as follows – Three (3) months business statements are required with new submissions to underwriting on or after 12/14/2020.  Covid – 19 Guideline Clarification and Product Updates Nov 2020


  • Section 184/Native American Trust Land loans are discontinued effective immediately

First Tribal is no longer offering this program.    We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.


  • Insurance Guidelines Revised

USDA allows an exception to their deductible rule of the greater of 1% or $1000 if the insurer does not offer a deductible this low.  This typically will only apply to wind/hail coverage.    Evidence from the insurer they do not offer a lower deductible will be required. Insurance Guidelines NOV 2020


  • FEMA Lookup for Disasters

If your DRIVE Report is indicating that you property is within an area that has possibly been declared, you can determine whether or not additional documentation will be needed based on review of FEMA site.   Underwriting does not rely on the DRIVE Report.  FEMA websites are reviewed.   FEMA Address lookup is:  https://www.disasterassistance.gov/get-assistance/address-lookup    FEMA Designated Areas Lookup is:  https://www.fema.gov/disasters/disaster-declarations

If the county is NOT in a declared MAJOR Disaster Area, we will not need any further documentation.

If the county IS in a declared MAJOR Disaster Area and the incident date is BEFORE our appraisal, the appraisal must indicate no damage.  If using PIW and incident date is more than 120 days after our application date, no appraisal or FEMA inspection required.

If the county IS in a declared MAJOR Disaster Area, and the incident date is AFTER the appraisal OR within 120 days of our application date using a (PIW), we will require an appraisal, appraisal update, or FEMA Inspection.


Group Email for Disclosure Approvals

Did you know that you can create a group email for disclosure approvals?

This is a great way to ensure everyone who needs to review a proforma LE/CD is included on the approval email from Compliance/Closing.  This works well for both individual Los as well as larger teams that have the same processors, TCs, or LOAs copied on all their disclosure approvals.

If you are interested, please reach out to IT with a list of recipients you would like included.  This new email address can also be configured to auto populate in LE page 0/4 for all your future disclosures.


VA loan paying off current VA loan

Unless the closings are back-to-back, the entitlement must be restored prior to closing.  Exception for up to five business days prior to current closing can be made if evidence is provided by the branch the restoration has been requested from VA.



We do Not need a CAIVRS for a Non-Credit Qualifying FHA Streamline


Appraisal Waiver Form

We do not need an appraisal waiver signed for any FHA Streamline – Credit Qualifying or Non-Credit Qualifying


Encompass 1003 Date Entry Error

We are seeing the 1003 Page 1 regarding income/assets of Borrower’s spouse often answered incorrectly.   We think this is because only a portion of the verbiage is shown in Encompass.   The top box should be marked any time there is more than one borrower on the loan.  The bottom box should only be marked on a Government loan in a Community Property state where we are using the non-borrowing spouse’s liabilities to qualify the borrower.    List of Community Property States are available at:  https://www.investopedia.com/personal-finance/which-states-are-community-property-states/

Nov 2020 Lending Announcement

15 Points

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